Security Benefit Strategic Growth Plus Index Annuity

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Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

THE SECURITY BENEFIT Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

Congratulations! You’re taking an important step in one of the most

significant decisions you’ll make as you approach the next phase of your life — retirement. It’s a big step and one you’ll have spent your entire career saving for. As you approach retirement, you may be interested in secure retirement savings vehicles that can help you enjoy this phase of your life without the worry many may feel. As you work with your financial professional to determine the next steps you take with your retirement assets, you may also want to consider these important questions:

How can I reduce or eliminate market risk?


How safe are my retirement assets?


What happens if I become ill? Will I be a financial burden to anyone?



About Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

What is the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity? • As an annuity, you can enjoy the benefits of tax-deferred accumulation in your contract, ideal for retirement savers. • As an insurance product, you’re protected from all market loss, as well as having flexibility on how you save for for retirement and provide for your beneficiaries. • With Strategic Growth Plus, you also receive a bonus on first year Purchase Payments, giving you a significant head start on your contract’s accumulation potential. • The Strategic Growth Plus Annuity is a fixed index annuity, where you can receive interest credits based on the positive change of one or more financial indices, such as the S&P 500® Index, while remaining protected from any negative performance of that index.

Power of Tax Deferral Simply put, tax deferral postpones the payment of taxes on your contract’s accumulation until a later date — meaning 100% of the interest credited is compounded and won’t be taxed until you withdraw the money, usually at age 59½ or later. An IRA is an example of a tax- deferred retirement savings vehicle (keep in mind that you’d receive no additional tax-deferral benefit by funding an IRA with an annuity). In this example, we compare the growth of a hypothetical $200,000 in retirement savings – one account grows tax deferred, while the other’s taxes are taken out each year. See the difference in account value over a five, 10- and 20-year period of time. In the annuity, any accumulated interest credits grows tax deferred, and you only pay taxes upon withdrawal.

Initial Balance

Year 5

Year 10

Year 20



This example assumes an annual interest rate of 5%, and a Federal income tax rate of 32% (but no state tax is assumed). This example is hypothetical and in no way relates to the actual interest that may be credited by the annuity. Funds withdrawn from the tax-deferred account are taxable upon withdrawal.

2 | Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

Protection From Market Risk One of the benefits of the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity is that it is first and foremost an insurance contract; you will not lose your purchase payments or previously credited interest if the financial markets go down. We explain the contract’s interest crediting options later in this brochure. Bonus When you purchase the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity, a bonus amount is added to your Purchase Payments made in the first contract year. The bonus can help jump start your contract value and coupled with tax deferral, could allow your contract to increase in value at a faster rate than if there was no bonus applied. If you surrender your contract or take a partial withdrawal in excess of the free withdrawal limit during the surrender charge period, a bonus recapture will apply. See the enclosed Fact Sheet or SOU for more details. Access to Funds / Free Withdrawals Generally, during the surrender charge period, you may withdraw up to 10% of your prior Contract Anniversary Account Value each contract year, free of surrender charges, bonus recapture, and Market Value Adjustment (MVA). (Free withdrawals are not available during the 1st Contract Year.) Your withdrawals may be subject to state and federal income taxes, as well as an additional 10% penalty from the IRS if the withdrawals are taken prior to age 591/2. If you take withdrawals in excess of the 10% free withdrawal limit during the surrender charge period, your withdrawal will be subject to a surrender charge, bonus recapture, and MVA. See the “About Surrender Charge, Bonus Recapture and Market Value Adjustment” section on page 7 for more information about the surrender charge, bonus recapture, and MVA. The 10% free withdrawal does not apply if you take a full

surrender. A surrender charge, bonus recapture, and MVA will be applied to any free withdrawals taken in the last 12 months prior to a surrender, as well as to the amount surrendered. Terminal Illness and Nursing Home Waiver Surrender charges and any MVA (if applicable) are waived if you are confined to a nursing home or hospital for longer than 90 days, or if you are diagnosed with a terminal illness. A request to waive these charges must be made after the 3rd Contract Anniversary, must be made on forms provided by Security Benefit, and must be accompanied by a physician’s statement (not available in all states; refer to the Statement of Understanding for details). Death Benefit For the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity contract, should the annuitant die before receiving annuity payments (annuitization), the beneficiaries will receive 100% of the account value, less any applicable premium tax. If the Owner (or the Annuitant if the Owner is not a natural person) or a Joint Owner who is the spouse of the Annuitant dies, the death benefit is the greater of: (i) the Guaranteed Minimum Cash Surrender Value, or (ii) the Account Value, less any applicable premium tax. If an Owner or Joint Owner who is not the spouse of the Annuitant dies, the death benefit is equal to the Cash Surrender Value. In California, if the contract is issued to persons 60 or older, the amount payable is the greater of: (i) the Guaranteed Minimum Cash Surrender Value, or (ii) the Account Value, regardless of who died. Refer to the Statement of Understanding (SOU) or talk with your financial professional for more information about the annuity’s death benefit.


How You Receive Interest Credits One of the most distinguishing features of a fixed index annuity is your ability to receive interest credits based on part of an index‘s positive performance, with none of its downside risk. We offer a variety of index crediting strategies from which to choose, that are based on eight financial indices. Each index is designed to perform differently in various market conditions, giving you and your financial professional a diverse range of choices when it comes to how you want to allocate your contract’s dollars. We also offer a guaranteed Fixed Account, which provides a stated rate of interest that is reset on each contract anniversary. The Fixed Account’s Guaranteed Minimum Interest Rate (GMIR) is set at contract issue and guaranteed for the life of the contract. For the current Fixed Account interest rate and GMIR, refer to the latest rate sheet. We outline below the crediting methods we use in Strategic Growth Plus, and the indices on which they are based. On the next page, we show examples of how the various index crediting strategies are applied against actual index performance.

Fixed Crediting Option

Crediting Option  Fixed Account

Index Crediting Options

Rate Buy Up Feature The Rate Buy Up Feature is available on each index crediting option. For a monthly charge, each Index Account using this feature in which contract value is allocated, provides the owner the potential for a higher interest credit through a higher cap, higher participation rate, and/ or lower spread as applicable. At the end of the surrender charge period, if the total Buy Up Costs during the period were greater than the total index interest credits (including non Buy Up Options), then the excess of the total Buy Up Costs over the total index interest credits will be refunded to the contract’s Fixed Account. Please note: the refund of Buy Up Charges does not apply if an excess withdrawal - one greater than the annual free withdrawal amount - was taken from the contract. Refer to the Rate Buy Up Feature Brochure for details.

Crediting Strategy

Crediting Options - 1-year Crediting Term S&P 500 ® Annual Point to Point Index Account S&P 500 ® Annual Point to Point Index Account

With Cap

With Participation Rate

S&P 500 ® Annual Point to Point Index Account S&P 500 ® Factor Rotator Daily RC2 7% Index Account* S&P Multi-Asset Risk Control (MARC) 5% Index Account* Morgan Stanley Global Equity Allocator Index Account* Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Barclays VC 7% Index Account* UBS Market Pioneers Index Account* UBS Multi Asset Inflation Aware Index Account*

With Participation Rate and Spread

Index Crediting Options

Crediting Strategy

Crediting Options - 2-year Crediting Term

S&P 500 ® Factor Rotator Daily RC2 7% Index Account* S&P 500 ® Low Volatility Daily Risk Control 5% Index Account ** S&P Multi-Asset Risk Control (MARC) 5% Index Account* Morgan Stanley Global Equity Allocator Index Account* Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Barclays VC 7% Index Account* UBS Market Pioneers Index Account* UBS Multi Asset Inflation Aware Index Account*

With Participation Rate and Spread

Fixed Account current interest rates, Caps, Participation Rates, Annual Spreads, and Buy Up Charges may be changed on each contract anniversary, but will not be lower than the guaranteed minimum or higher than the guaranteed maximum. Participation Rates may be higher or lower than 100% and Spreads may be 0%. Ask your financial professional for the current rate information.

*Not available to Iowa residents or for contracts issued in Iowa. **Includes dividends. Not available to Iowa residents or for contracts issued in Iowa.

4 | Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

How the Crediting Strategies Work

Each index crediting strategy is subject to various crediting parameters over the crediting term (either annually or every two years). In this example, we show the interest credits applied within the S&P 500 Annual Point to Point Index Accounts using Caps and Participation Rates (this example does not reflect the Rate Buy Up Feature). We use a contract purchase date of October 1, 2002, and look at the past 20 years of Index returns and interest credits that would have been applied based on these sample rates. Refer to the Strategic Growth Plus Rate Sheet for current rates.


Participation Rate (Par Rate)

A Cap is the maximum percentage amount of interest credit you receive based on the positive percent change in an index.

A Participation Rate is a set percentage amount multiplied by the positive percent change in an index to calculate the interest credit you receive. A Par Rate may exceed 100% but will never be negative.

Par Rate: 30% Index Return x Par Rate = Credit

Cap: 6.00%

As of 10/01

S&P 500 ® Index Return

Credit to Account

Credit to Account

6.00% (Account Credit Max. is 6.00%)

6.65% (22.16% x 30%)



















0.00% (Account safe from market loss)

0.00% (Account safe from market loss)




























































Account Growth Over 20 Years

In this example we look at a $200,000 initial allocation into each of the crediting strategies from the previous page. The chart below shows the growth of the account over 20 years against the performance of the S&P 500® Index. Note that the account values never decline with market loss – instead, each year’s interest credit is “locked in” and on the contract anniversary and the new contract value becomes the next contract year’s starting point for interest credits. This means that your account value will either only increase with a positive change in the Index, or remain unchanged (never decrease) from the Index’s negative performance. Keep in mind that this example does not reflect the Rate Buy Up Feature nor the impact the cost of that feature could have on account values over time. Refer to the Rate Buy Up Feature brochure for details. Work with your financial professional to decide how you might want to diversify your contract’s value among the various crediting strategies.

S&P 500 ® Index 1-yr Value S&P 500 ® Annual P2P w/Cap S&P 500 ® Annual P2P w/Par

After the 20-yr period, each of the S&P 500 Annual Point to Point (AP2P) accounts have grown differently based on the Cap or Par Rate applied to the positive performance of the S&P 500 ® Index from year to year.



S&P 500 ® AP2P Index Account 6.00% Cap $454,623

$200,000 Allocation Oct. 1, 2002


S&P 500 ® AP2P Index Account 30% Par Rate $385,303



Oct. 1 ‘02



















‘21 ‘22

This is a hypothetical example using the calendar year returns (October 1 contract anniversaries 2002-2022) from 100% allocation into the S&P 500 ® Annual Point to Point Index Account with a 6.00% cap applied and to the S&P 500 ® Annual Point to Point Index Account with a 30% Participation Rate applied. Caps and Participation rates are subject to change. The indices are not available for direct investment. The caps and participation rates used in this example are for demonstration purposes only and were not the rates available the entirety of the simulated period, and may not be currently available. The actual caps and participation rates may be different than what is assumed for this example, which is provided for demonstration purposes only. Caps, spreads, and participation rates are set at our discretion at the beginning of each Index Term based upon factors we consider relevant, including market conditions. It was not possible for a consumer to have received the interest credits shown in this retrospective example. Actual interest credits for a purchased annuity contract will be based on the allocations selected by the owner, the performance of the underlying indexes for any index accounts to which contract value is allocated, and the respective caps, spreads and participation rates applicable to those index accounts. Withdrawals are subject to ordinary income tax and if made before age 59½, may incur a 10% IRS penalty tax and may be subject to product-specific charges.

6 | Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

Retire with confidence


Surrender Charge — if you surrender your contract, or take withdrawals that are greater than the free withdrawal amount during the surrender charge period (the first 10 years for contracts issued in all states except CA, and 9 years for contracts issued in CA), your account value will be subject to a surrender charge. Surrender charges will also apply if you annuitize during the surrender charge period and to the death benefit paid upon the death of an Owner who is not the spouse of the Annuitant. The Strategic Growth Plus Annuity offers flexibility to avoid some or all surrender charges, depending on your circumstances through the free withdrawal option, the Terminal Illness Waiver, the Nursing Home Waiver, and the death benefit upon the death of the annuitant or joint owner if he or she is the spouse of the annuitant. About the Surrender Charge, Bonus Recapture and Market Value Adjustment













All states except those listed below AK, CT, DE, ID, IN, MA, MD, MN, MO, NH, NJ, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, and WA

12% 12% 11% 11% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 4% 0%

9.0% 8.1% 7.2% 6.3% 5.4% 4.5% 3.6% 2.7% 1.8% 0.9% 0%


8.1% 7.2% 6.3% 5.4% 4.5% 3.6% 2.7% 1.8% 0.9% 0% 0%

10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% 4% 0%


Bonus Recapture — in general, if you surrender your contract or take withdrawals in excess of the allowed Free Withdrawals during the Surrender Charge Period, a bonus recapture will apply that reduces the amount of the bonus you can keep. The bonus recapture varies by state.













All states except those listed below

100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

AK, CT, DE, ID, IN, MA, MD, MN, MO, NH, NJ, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, and WA

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0%


Market Value Adjustment (MVA) — in order to help us manage changing market conditions and interest rate environments, Security Benefit applies a Market Value Adjustment (MVA) to withdrawals that exceed the free withdrawal amount during the surrender charge period. The MVA also applies if you annuitize or surrender during the surrender charge period and the the death benefit paid up the death of an Owner who is not the spouse of the Annuitant. In general, if at the time of withdrawal interest rates as measured by the 10- year Constant Maturity Treasury rate, are higher than when you purchased your annuity, an additional amount is deducted from your annuity. Conversely, if interest rates are lower than when you purchased your annuity, an additional amount may be added to your withdrawal, which reduces the amount deducted from your contract. The MVA will not apply to withdrawals that are less than or equal to the free withdrawal amount or to the death benefit paid upon the death of the Annuitant or the death of the joint owner if the joint owner is the spouse of the Annuitant. In CA, an MVA does not apply. See the SOU for more details.

8 | Strategic Growth Plus Annuity

About Security Benefit

At Security Benefit, we’ve become one of America’s leading retirement companies by offering a compelling and customized suite of retirement savings and income products to help pre- and post-retirees achieve a secure retirement. We’re proud of our more than 130-year history of serving the retirement needs of individuals from all walks of life, all across America. Through the expertise of our investment team and our exceptional customer service, we continue to deliver on our long-standing reputation for excellence. We’re here to provide solutions that lead up to and carry you through your retirement years. All of this is built upon a solid financial foundation that enables us to deliver on our promises. For more information about our financial strength and ratings, please visit

Security Benefit Life Insurance Company is not a fiduciary and the information provided is not intended to be investment advice. This information is general in nature and intended for use with the general public. For additional information, including any specific advice or recommendations, please visit with your financial professional. The Security Benefit Strategic Growth Plus Annuity, a modified single premium, deferred fixed index annuity contract is issued by Security Benefit Life Insurance Company (SBL). In most states, the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity is issued on form 5600 (9-19). In Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington, the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity form is ICC19 5600 (9-19). Guarantees provided by annuities are subject to the financial strength of the issuing insurance company. Annuities are not FDIC or NCUA/NCUSIF insured; are not obligations or deposits of, and are not guaranteed or underwritten by any bank, savings and loan or credit union or its affiliates; are unrelated to and not a condition of the provision or term of any banking service or activity. Fixed index annuities are not stock market investments and do not directly participate in any equity, bond, other security, or commodities investments. Unless otherwise stated, indices do not include dividends paid on the underlying stocks and therefore do not reflect the total return of the underlying stocks. Neither an index nor any fixed index annuity is comparable to a direct investment in the equity, bond, other security, or commodities markets. “S&P 500 ® Index,” “S&P 500 ® Low Volatility Daily Risk Control 5% Index,” “S&P 500 ® Factor Rotator Daily RC2 7% Index,” and “S&P Multi-Asset Risk Control 5% Index” are products of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global, or its affiliates (SPDJI) and Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, and have been licensed for use by Security Benefit Life Insurance Company (SBL). Standard & Poor’s ® and S&P ® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, a division of S&P Global (S&P); Dow Jones ® is a registered trademark of Dow Jones

Trademark Holdings LLC (Dow Jones); third party licensor trademarks are trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC and these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by SBL. SBL’s Strategic Growth Plus Annuity is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, or Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in such product nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 ® Index, S&P 500 ® Low Volatility Daily Risk Control 5% Index, S&P 500 ® Factor Rotator Daily RC2 7% Index, or S&P Multi-Asset Risk Control 5% Index. Neither Barclays Bank PLC ( BB PLC ) nor any of its affiliates (collectively Barclays ) is the issuer or producer of the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity (collectively, the Product ) and Barclays has no responsibilities, obligations or duties to purchasers in the Product. The Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Barclays VC 7% Index ER (the Index), together with any Barclays indices that are components of the Index, is a trademark owned by Barclays and, together with any component indices and index data, is licensed for use by Security Benefit Life Insurance Company (Security Benefit) as the issuer or producer of the Product (the Issuer ). Barclays’ only relationship with the Issuer in respect of the Index is the licensing of the Index, which is administered, compiled and published by BB PLC in its role as the index sponsor (the Index Sponso r) without regard to the Issuer or the Product or purchasers in the Product. Additionally, Security Benefit as issuer or producer of the Product may for itself execute transaction(s) with Barclays in or relating to the Index in connection with the Product. Purchasers acquire the Product from Security Benefit and purchasers neither acquire any interest in the Index nor enter into any relationship of any kind whatsoever with Barclays upon making an investment in the Product. The Product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Barclays and Barclays makes no representation regarding the advisability of the Product or use of the Index or any data included therein. Barclays shall not be liable in any way to the Issuer, purchasers or to other third parties in respect of the use or accuracy of the Index or any data included therein.

The Index includes a variable index deduction mechanism that scales upward based on positive performance of the Index. Such index deduction is applied when calculating the level of the Index and will thus reduce the return of the Index and any product linked to the Index. The Index applies a bespoke volatility control mechanism to identify changing market conditions using intraday data, and stabilize the overall level of risk of the Index. The volatility control calculation applied by Morgan Stanley as part of the Index’s methodology may decrease the Index’s performance and thus the return of any product linked to the Index. In addition, because the volatility control calculation is expected to reduce the overall volatility of the Index, it will also reduce the cost of hedging certain products linked to the Index. Morgan Stanley may transact derivative transactions linked to the Index. Potential purchasers of products linked to this Index should refer to the full offering document for important information concerning such products, including the related risk factors and determine their own appraisal of the risks and suitability of such products. The UBS Market Pioneers Index (the “Index”) has been licensed to Security Benefit Life Insurance Company (“SBL”). The Index is a composite index developed by UBS AG (“UBS”) based in part on the NYSE ® Zebra EdgeTM U.S. Equity Index, which is used under license from NYSE Group, Inc. (“NYSE”), and the Jim Rogers Global Consumer Commodities IndexTM, which is used under license from Gladys Holdings, LLC (“Gladys”). Neither SBL nor Strategic Growth Plus Annuity (the “Product”) is sponsored, operated, endorsed, recommended, sold or promoted by Zebra Capital Management, LLC (“Zebra”), NYSE, UBS, Gladys or Solactive AG, the calculation agent for the Index (“Solactive”), or their respective affiliates. In no event shall Zebra, NYSE, UBS, Gladys or Solactive, or any of their affiliates, have any liability with respect to the Index or the Product. None of Zebra, NYSE, UBS, Gladys or Solactive makes any representation or gives any warranty, express or implied, regarding the advisability or possible benefits of purchasing the Product or any other financial product or otherwise. The mark UBS is a registered trademark of UBS. The mark NYSE ® is a registered trademark of NYSE, Intercontinental Exchange, Inc., or their affiliates. The marks Zebra ® and Zebra EdgeTM are trademarks of Zebra. The names Jim Rogers, James Beeland Rogers, Jr., Rogers, and Jim Rogers Global Consumer Commodities Index are trademarks, service marks and/or registered trademarks owned by Gladys or its affiliate Beeland Interests, Inc. UBS AG AND ITS AFFILIATES (“UBS”) DO NOT SPONSOR, ENDORSE, SELL, OR PROMOTE THE STRATEGIC GROWTH ANNUITY SERIES (THE “PRODUCT”). A DECISION TO PURCHASE THE PRODUCT SHOULD NOT BE MADE IN RELIANCE ON ANY OF THE STATEMENTS SET FORTH IN THIS DOCUMENT. PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS ARE ADVISED TO PURCHASE THE PRODUCT ONLY AFTER CAREFULLY CONSIDERING THE RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH PURCHASING THE PRODUCT, AS DETAILED IN THE PRODUCT STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING OR SIMILAR DOCUMENT PREPARED BY OR ON BEHALF OF SECURITY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY (“LICENSEE”), THE ISSUER OF THE PRODUCT. UBS HAS LICENSED CERTAIN UBS MARKS AND OTHER DATA TO LICENSEE FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PRODUCT AND THE BRANDING OF THE PRODUCT, BUT UBS IS NOT INVOLVED IN THE CALCULATION OF THE PRODUCT, THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PRODUCT’S METHODOLOGY OR THE CREATION OF THE PRODUCT, NOR IS UBS INVOLVED IN THE SALE OR OFFERING OF THE PRODUCT, AND UBS DOES NOT MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT. ©2023 Security Benefit Life Insurance Company. All rights reserved.

Bloomberg Index Services Limited is the official index calculation and maintenance agent of the Index, an index owned and administered by Barclays. Bloomberg Index Services Limited does not guarantee the timeliness, accurateness, or completeness of the Index calculations or any data or information relating to the Index. Bloomberg Index Services Limited makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the Index or any data or values relating thereto or results to be obtained therefrom, and expressly disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect thereto. To the maximum extent allowed by law, Bloomberg Index Services Limited, its affiliates, and all of their respective partners, employees, subcontractors, agents, suppliers and vendors (collectively, the protected parties ) shall have no liability or responsibility, contingent or otherwise, for any injury or damages, whether caused by the negligence of a protected party or otherwise, arising in connection with the calculation of the Index or any data or values included therein or in connection therewith and shall not be liable for any lost profits, losses, punitive, incidental or consequential damages. The Index is created and maintained solely by Barclays using a combination of U.S. Treasury Futures holdings selected by Barclays and the Morningstar Wide Moat Focus Index SM ( Wide Moat Focus Index ) in its entirety. Morningstar, Inc. ( Morningstar ) has no relationship to Barclays, other than to license Barclays the right to use the Wide Moat Focus Index in the Index. Under this licensing arrangement, Barclays must include the Wide Moat Focus Index in its entirety in the Index. Morningstar has no responsibility for the compilation or maintenance of the Index or its performance, and no liability to anyone for its use. The Morningstar name and logo are registered marks of Morningstar. Morningstar does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the Wide Moat Focus Index or any data included in it and expressly disclaims any warranties associated with it. The Product is a fixed index annuity created and maintained by Security Benefit. The Product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold, or promoted by Morningstar or any of its affiliates (collectively, the Morningstar Entities ). The Morningstar Entities make no representation or warranty, express or implied, to the owners of the Product or any member of the public regarding the advisability of acquiring any financial product, including, without limitation, the Product. The Morningstar Entities are not responsible for and have not participated in: (i) the determination of the participation of the crediting strategy of the Product; (ii) the timing of the issuance or sale of the Product; or (iii) the determination or calculation of the equation by which the Product is converted into cash; and the Morningstar Entities have no obligation or liability in connection with the purchase, administration, marketing, or crediting of interest for the Product. MORGAN STANLEY GLOBAL EQUITY ALLOCATOR INDEX (THE “INDEX” OR “MSGE INDEX”) IS THE PROPERTY OF MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC. ANY PRODUCT THAT IS LINKED TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INDEX IS NOT SPONSORED, ENDORSED, SOLD OR PROMOTED BY MORGAN STANLEY & CO. LLC, OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES (COLLECTIVELY, “MORGAN STANLEY”). NEITHER MORGAN STANLEY NOR ANY OTHER PARTY (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY CALCULATION AGENTS OR DATA PROVIDERS) MAKES ANY REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE ADVISABILITY OF PURCHASING ANY PRODUCT LINKED TO THIS INDEX. IN NO EVENT SHALL MORGAN STANLEY HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THE INDEX IS THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF MORGAN STANLEY. MORGAN STANLEY AND THE INDEX ARE SERVICE MARKS OF MORGAN STANLEY AND HAVE BEEN LICENSED FOR USE FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES BY SECURITY BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE (“LICENSEE”). NEITHER MORGAN STANLEY NOR ANY OTHER PARTY HAS OR WILL HAVE ANY OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY TO OWNERS OF THIS PRODUCT IN CONNECTION WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OR MARKETING OF THIS PRODUCT, AND NEITHER MORGAN STANLEY NOR ANY OTHER PARTY GUARANTEES THE ACCURACY AND/OR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE INDEX OR ANY DATA INCLUDED THEREIN. No purchaser, seller or holder of this product, or any other person or entity, should use or refer to any Morgan Stanley trade name, trademark or service mark to sponsor, endorse, market or promote this product, without first contacting Morgan Stanley to determine whether Morgan Stanley’s permission is required. Under no circumstances may any person or entity claim any affiliation with Morgan Stanley without the prior written permission of Morgan Stanley.

Your path To and Through Retirement® begins here.

Talk to your financial professional to see whether the Strategic Growth Plus Annuity can complement your retirement portfolio.

One Security Benefit Place | Topeka, KS 66636 | IM-22170-01 | 2023/01/09

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