5 Things Life Clients Wish Agents Knew About Them

No. 3 They feel financially insecure

Nobody likes feeling financially insecure

But it’s a pressure many experience, and it’s an additional concern when consumers have a family to support. LIMRA’s 2022 Insurance Barometer Study found that two in five parents feel this way.

Feelings of insecurity are a key contributor to stress and anxiety. Among Americans ages 21 to 62:



indicated feeling anxious

reported feeling stress when talking about their finances

According to a report from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation and the George Washington University School of Business

Having life insurance is proven to help alleviate financial stress

LIMRA found that 68% of people with life insurance report feeling financially secure compared to 47% of people with no life insurance. This is especially true when life insurance coverage comes from multiple sources, such as workplace plus individual coverage, with 78% of people in that situation feeling more financially secure.

With your expertise, you can offer clients support, reliable coverage, and a first step on the path toward financial security.

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