Biola Broadcaster - 1965-09

allowed Pharaoh, however, to exercise his own wicked desires. Pharaoh had allowed his heart to be hardened and to say no to God. God sovereignly pun­ ished him for it. God only brought out of Pharaoh’s heart what was al­ ready there. He was not implanting any disobedience in him. * * * The fellow who faces the music will eventually get to lead the band. A man, like a mule, will make no head­ way while kicking. * * * Many a man has found out to his own sorrow that throwing mud is actually ground lost. * * * If you can't see the bright side of a thing, then polish the dull side. * * * To let God isbelief; to let go is sur­ render. * * * He who never made an enemy, never made much of a friend. 4 * * The smaller we are, the more room God will have in our lives. * * * Only when the heart is a broken vessel can it carry the water of life. * * * A Christian needs to be like a good vio­ linist: able to play first fiddle, but willing to play second. * * * It is better to condemn yourself and ex­ cuse others than to condemn others and excuse yourself. * * * The bigger a man's head gets, the easier it is to fill his shoes. £ * * One seldom overtakes success while pur­ suing pleasure. * * * Prayer does not change God but changes the one who takes the time to pray. * The quickest cure for grief or despondency is Christian service! * * Whatever you dislike in another person, be sure to correct in yourself.

He went to Naaman and told him there were some things his master needed. Grateful Naaman gave him quite naturally double of everything he had requested. Not wanting Elisha to know of his trickery, Gehazi hid the bounty in the place where he was staying. Elisha, however, could not be fooled. He told him that as a re­ sult, Naaman’s disease would come upon him and his kin forever. Gehazi went out white as snow. Obviously he was no longer Elisha’s servant. He had to remain outside of Israel. Q , San Bernardino, Calif. — “ When will the event told o f in II P eter 3:12 and 13 take place? The day o f God is when H e comes in pow er and great glory. Does the purging by fire take place b efo re or a fte r the thousand y ear reign o f Christ?” A. The answer is to be found in the seventh verse of this chapter, “But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire until the day of judgment and perdition (condemna­ tion) of ungodly men.” That day of judgment is spoken of in Revelation 20:11-15. This event follows the 1000- year reign of Christ here on .the earth. It is further described in de­ tail through many prophetic passages of the Old Testament. This is just before the ushering in of eternity which will follow all of the events transpiring here upon the earth. Q, Nampa, Ida.— “The B ib le says that the L ord hardened P haraoh ’s h eart so that he would not let the children o f Israel go out o f the land. Then be­ cause Pharaoh did not let them go, God killed all the first b om among the Egyptians. How do such actions fit in w ith any id ea o f a God o f love and ju stice?” A. One needs to read carefully Exo­ dus 3 and 4 for a real picture of this situation. We do not have a God who would make a man do something and then punish him for it. The Lord does all things according to His will. He


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