band fo r the loss o f his w ife’s compan ionship, and $26,000 to cover fun eral ex penses, personal pain, and suffering.) A w ife may be worth much more than even this amount, but unless she seeks to provide fo r the spiritual needs o f her fam ily, in the Lord’s sight h er time has not been well spent. H ere is the true re ward o f a woman who is fa ith fu l to God, as we read o f her in the book o f Proverbs, “H er children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” KNOW N FOR W HA T ? There was a man who applied fo r a security position o f extrem e importance. He had grown up and worked all o f his life in a sm all town. When asked fo r r e f erences, he gave officials the name o f the little commuunity’s ch ief o f police. They, o f course, investigated but were shocked when the law officer told them, “Why, I have never heard o f the man." The fellow later explained, with good reasoning, “What better referen ce could one have? I ’ve lived in that town 17 years and the ch ief o f police has never heard o f me. It shows I ’ve never been in any trouble with the law!" He got the job with this interesting test o f charar- ter. What are we known for? Can others take note that we have been with Jesus? P eter exhorts us, “L et not yours be the mere external adorning, but let it be the inward beauty o f the hidden person o f the heart, with the incorruptible and unfading charm o f a gentle and peace fu l spirit, which is very precious in the sight o f God.” LOOKING A T THE TRUTH A man had a tremendous desire to bring the Gospel to the ja il prisoners o f his community. B ecause o f rules which had been established, however, he found it impossible. Against all disap- 20
A WORD TO THE W IVES Recently a firm o f insurance under w riters and safety engineers on the West Coast announced a system o f awards fo r the wives o f truck and bus drivers who go fiv e years or more without an accident. The company believes that a happy husband is less likely to crack up his truck rig than one who is “hen pecked,” “badgered” or otherwise dis turbed because o f fam ily relationships. “N ever argue with your husband before he goes to work. Tackle and settle all problems before retiring a t night. S ee that he gets plenty o f rest, a substantial breakfast, and leaves the house in a good fram e o f mind.” Those thoughts are ap plicable fo r any home. We need to add to this list the important dimension o f fam ily worship and personal devotions. This is what actually strengthens the spirit ual battlements o f the home. Harmony in the house is not all one-sided, either. Husbands are to love their wives even as they do their own bodies. Then, to gether they are to seek to bring the chil dren up in the nurture and admonition o f the Lord. THE VALUE OF A WIFE The F ed eral Court in F lorida recently ruled that a husband was entitled to $150,000 fo r the death o f his w ife who passed aw ay follow ing a transfusion o f an unmatched blood type as a result o f an operation in a F lorid a hospital. In addition to her husband she left six children, ages ten days to twelve years. The judge stated, “I conclude that the expense to the fa th er o f providing his children a home, the services o f a suit able person to run the household and to adm inister the children’s needs, will come to $8,500 a y ear fo r a total o f eighteen years. This compounded a t fou r p er cent interest amounts to $98,858." (A fu rth er $25,000 was aw arded the hus
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