Biola Broadcaster - 1965-09




by Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson _________________________ ____ ____________________________ /

O NE OP THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE and all inclusive statements of the Word of God concerns the divine method of Christian living found in Galatians 2:20. While many have com­ mitted the verse to memory, yet all too few have really made the applica­ tion to their own hearts and lives. Some people t r e a t this important standard as though it were a picture to admire rather than a life to live. Paul says, “It is the life which I now live.” This is not the ideal but the actual; it is not theoretical, but practical. Some never enter into the glory of the Christian way of life. They trust their own preconceived and second-hand notions rather than tak­ ing the Bible at its face value. There is only one way that really works and that is God’s perfect way of life. It may not be in popular vogue, but it is nonetheless the only way to true victorious living. Several basic facts undergird the deep inner secret of what it means to be a child of God. F irst of all, it must be Christ instead of “me.” Re­ member the clear words of the Apos­ tle, “Not I, but Christ!” One is not a Christian unless Jesus Christ is liv­

ing within him (Rom. 8 :9 ; II Cor. 1 2 :5 ). The Lord Jesus Christ de­ clared, “If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is with­ ered.” While this may sound dogmatic it is at the same time very realistic. The Saviour came not only to give life fo r us, but also to give His life to us. Without Him Christian living is absolutely an utter devastating im­ possibility. One may have Christ in his pro­ gram and yet give Him a lesser place. Such people readily affirm that Christ is their Saviour but they fail to real­ ize that He must also be their life. They conceive of Him as someone on the outside who comes to helD in times of deepest need. They look upon Him as an external helper, failing to grasp the glory of life’s deep inner secret. Christ does not merely ask us to do our best for Him but rather to let Him do His best in and through us. How often, in moments of deep- seated weakness or failure have we said to ourselves, “Qh, that someone strong and victorious could come into this life of mine and take over, meet­ ing the temptations and trials for me” ? This is exactly God’s purpose 24

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