Biola Broadcaster - 1965-09

out Jesus?” At first her mother was shocked. The more she thought about it, the more she knew it was a good time to help her daughter. She prom­ ised her a sum of money if she could achieve real goodness without Jesus Christ for one day. Eagerly the child responded, “May I begin tomorrow morning?” The mother shook her head kindly in the affirmative. So the lass started out the next day with high prospects of earning the promised re­ ward. Before the day was over, how­ ever, she was disappointed and crest­ fallen. Naturally she had failed. That night she asked her mother if she could try it again the next day. She was overjoyed, confident she could make it. It was the same old story, however; she just couldn’t keep from the evil in her heart. Still she wouldn’t give up. At the close of the third day, burdened and overwhelmed with a sense of futility and helpless­ ness, she sobbed to her mother, “Oh, Mommy, no one can really be good without Jesus, can they?” This child * * * Conviction may be without conversion but there is no conversion without convic­ tion. * * * A smile is a curved line that will set a good many things straight.

During his recent missionary survey trip of Africa, Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson had the oppor­ tunity ot viewing some of tho interior regions of tin Congo. Here, near the Uganda border, he is at Ruanguba. Dr. Anderson's messages are featured each Tuesday and Thursday on "The Biola Hour" as he speaks directly from his study at tho Bethany Baptist Church of West Covina, California. and means of achieving victory for us. Christ, therefore, is not merely life’s assistant, He is life itself. The Lord doesn’t give us wings to soar to the heights; He is our wings. He is odr inner power for righteousness because He indwells the believer through His Holy Spirit. Righteousness is not something we achieve, but rather something Christ achieves in us. It is possible to imi­ tate Christ and all the while work in the energy of the flesh. It is even possible to love Jesus Christ and yet not give Him the central place of pre­ eminence in dur lives. Such will fall fa r short of the full measure of bless­ ing in the Christian life. Christ did not come to spur us on to greater self effort, He came to take over these defected and helpless lives. He shows us what He can do in and through us. We are not sufficient in ourselves. After all, “we are our own greatest burden.” Christ did not come into the world merely to set us an ex­ ample; He came to give us Himself. He came not merely to show us our way of life, He came to become that way. He does not ask us to do the living, He asks us to let Him do the living from within us. One night, while saying her prayers at her bedside, a little girl suddenly looked up to her mother and asked, “Mommy, why can’t we be good with­

When concern panics, then it becomes worry.

BIOLAHOUR RADIO LOG fContinued from inside fron t cover)

Kansas City, Missouri KCCV 1510

11:00 A.M. MTWTF

Lapeer, Michigan WMPC Miamisburg, Ohio WFCJ Newton, Kansas KJRG Phoenix, Arizona KHEP KJRG


3:30 P.M. Tues.

93.7 (FM)

11:00 P.M. MTWTF


9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF

92.3 (FM)



101.5 (FM)

Providence, Rhode Island WRIB 1220 Pueblo-Colorado Springs KFEL 970

9:30 A.M. MTWTF

8:30 A.M. MWF

Springfield, Ohio

WEEC 100.7 (FM)

11:30 P.M. MTWTF

Tuscon, Arizona KAIR


8:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 P.M. Sun.



Windermere, Florida WXIV 1480

10:00 A.M. Sat.

Inchon, Korea HLKX


8:30 A.M. Sun.


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