the secret of a radiant personality, producing true spiritual growth. Con templation concerning Christ is the secret of transformation. Looking into the face of the Saviour is the secret of a radiant life. Fellowship is also a basic element in ascertaining the will of God. Many believers are rightly concerned over the matter of divine guidance. A close communion with the Lord is a very necessary prerequisite. It is the se cret of effective Christian service. Living in fellowship with God is the secret of overcoming temptation. CHRISTIAN LIVING SERIES T h ere is no greater portion of Scripture dealing with separation than that found in II Cor. 6:16 to 18. This answers the various questions raised today c o n c e r n in g spiritual needs. This truth is the very definite teaching of the Bible from beginning to end. It is not a matter of human opinion but one of divine purpose and revelation. What outsiders think is of no consequence. Separation is the di vine arrangement for the health, hap piness and victory of a born-again individual. Some people erroneously feel that any reference to separation must be spoken in stern tones and with a gloomy face. The enemy of our souls would have us believe that this doc trine is destined to rob us of pleasure and enjoyment in life. Actually, just the reverse is true. The people who are troubled by the thought of sep aration are those who are not prac ticing it. In Hosea 7 :8 the prophet describes Ephraim as a good mixer. He calls him “a cake not turned.” (He was “half-baked.” )Such efforts are never palatable. Great areas of Christian profession .today are watered down with “half-baked” people. We need to be convinced of the unerring accuracy of the Word of God. When we refuse to walk in God’s way of separation, 33 Separation
We need to state also that one may be a real child of God and yet be tem porarily out of fellowship with the Lord due to sin (I John 1 :6.) Many, not instructed in the way of God, con fuse sonship with fellowship. One may be a true child of the Lord and at the same time be out of fellowship with the Father. This is true in our earth ly families as well. It is clearly evident that prayer is one of the basic elements of maintain ing spiritual fellowship with the Lord. Without it one will become weak and impotent. If friendships down here on earth are maintained and en riched through constant fellowship, how much more our spiritual relation ship. The second aspect to remember is the Bible. It plays an important role in the maintenance and development of this fellowship. It is not only im portant that you talk with God but it is also vital that you allow Him time to speak with you. Dr. Joseph Parker put it well in saying, “It seemed as I took up God’s Book that the ink was scarcely dry. The message was so new; it fit my own needs.” God still speaks through His own Word into the ears of those who listen by faith. The devil will use his utmost power to stop you from having a quiet hour. Attending worship services with other believers is another vital fac tor in maintaining fellowship with God (Heb. 10 :25 ). What one person may lack, another believer supplies. Such activity will deepen a life of obe dience. As we do God’s will, sharing our tithe as well as our talents, we find the exhilerating blessing of true spiritual oneness. Did you know that there is also fellowship in suffering for the sake of Christ? Paul tells us about this. There is a great fraternity of suf fering in the Lord, binding believers together. Study the cases of the af flicted in Scripture and see the inter esting picture which develops. Union with Christ is a mighty dy namo. It generates power which is sent out to all avenues of life. It is
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