STUDY IN GALATIANS a religion of works. It is entered by faith alone. The resources available to the believer are for effective liv ing in the new life given through Christ. The Lord provides the en abling power in giving us new desires for a spiritual life (II Corin thians 5:17). But we put them into operation. In a sense, God provides but man must utilize. Paul realized the strength avail able to believers when he testified, "I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me" (Philippi- ans 4:13). He knew that once re.- ceiving Christ as Saviour we are given inner resources for produc tion of true Christian living. After being baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit, He wants to fill us day-by-day. Remember you cannot have love, joy, peace
and self-control proceeding from a life which is filled with hate, anger, envy, and uncleanness. The fruit of the Spirit only flows from a Spirit- filled life. This is the reason why all sin should be confessed and the believer's entire life surrendered to the Lord. Only in this manner can there be a moment-by-moment re liance upon the Spirit. None of this is automatic. Satan is strong. He constantly endeavors to direct our actions in such a man ner that we taste only spiritual de feat. Exercising self-control is work. Remember, however, you cannot even exercise self-control unless you have temptations that confront you. The spiritual walk is a matter of victory over conflict; not retire ment to a placid place of inactivity.
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