Biola Broadcaster - 1973-11



Q. Seattle, Wash. "What is the 'day of visitation' and when does it oc­ cur?" A. The aspect of visitation has sev­ eral meanings in the Old and New Testaments. It suggests the concept of coming to bless or to bring judg­ ment. Jeremiah 23:2 gives us both in the same verse. The first mean­ ing is seen more often in Scripture than the second. In the gospels we read of God the eternal Son com­ ing for our blessing and enrichment (Luke 19:41-44). Israel had become spiritually blind to the salvation with which the Lord wanted to pro­ vide them. God is now visiting all men in this day of grace. We know that now is the time of acceptance of the Saviour. Q. Grants Pass, Ore. "Is it scriptur­ al to raise money for churches

through such things as bazaars and clothing sales?" A. The Bible prescribes that we are to bring stewardship to the fellow­ ship for the Lord's work. In the New Testament the tithe is the ba­ sic aspect although we should keep in mind the importance of pro­ portionate giving. Someone who makes ten thousand a year may give a thousand. On the other hand one who gets a hundred thousand annually should be able to give more than ten thousand. The ques­ tion is how much is left over. In some areas and at certain times in life there are people who have no money. The only thing they can tithe is their time. So they make certain commodities which are then sold to others. The proceeds are then given to the church. The people who worked on such things certainly receive glory and honor Page 25

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