Biola Broadcaster - 1973-11


certainty knew each other at this holy festival. So will the saved from every quarter of the earth. We will come to know one another forever. Yes, heaven is a place of mutual recognition for the children of God (I Thessalonians 2:19-20). By the Holy Spirit, Paul taught that those who were saved under his teaching and preaching would also know him in that day (II Corin­ thians 1:14; Philippians 3:20, 21). What is this coming prophetic date? It will be that glad hour when Christ comes for His Church. We will know each other then to the fullest (Ephesians 3:15). Heaven is indeed the home of the believer. All who go there through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, are going to be one family with God as their Father. How unspeakably sad if we had to live through eternity strangers to one another. It could not be called "home." Let us take courage Page 33

bodies (Philippians 3:20, 21) we will be able to recognize those with whom we associated on the earth as born-again children of God. In Luke we read of the rich man who died and went to hades. Here he lifted up his eyes in suffering and torment to see Abraham afar off along with the poor beggar Laz­ arus (16:23). Here again we find it proved that there is both recogni­ tion and remembrance in the future life. If, in the abode of the lost with its limitations of spiritual wisdom and perception, there is a feeling for and recognition of others, how much greater will be the vision of our loved ones in the eternal home of the redeemed. The Bible makes it clear that heaven is revealed as a place of fellowship where enjoyment and fellowship are set forth under the figure of a feast (Matthew 8:11). These Old Testament prophets of a

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