Biola Broadcaster - 1973-11

the goals we seek in life are blocked by obstacles that the real test comes. Do we lash out and lose our temper? Do we allow ourselves to say things for which we may later be sorry? Is it easy for us to sulk in silence? To ask that all our prob­ lems be removed, including those which thwart our personal desires, is denying God the privilege of granting us the attribute of long- suffering or patience. Longsuffering can only be displayed when the going is rough. As you consider these thoughts some simple ques­ tions should quickly come to mind, "Am I one who has a long spirit?" "Does this characterize my life?" "Am I allowing the Holy Spirit to operate in and control my life?" LONGSUFFERING OBTAINED Defining longsuffering is one thing, but achieving it as a personal quality of character is something else. Let me suggest two basic steps that are important in achieving longsuffering. First, since it is called a fruit of the spirit in the Bible, we may assume that it can be achieved only when you are "born of the spirit" — a Biblical phrase for salva­ tion. In Galatians chapter five Paul states that only the believer in Christ can produce the fruits of the spirit because only he is able to walk in the spirit. Verses 24 and 25 indicate that our relationship with Christ is the foundation for a change that will enable us to move from a life characterized by strife and anger to one characterized by longsuffering. Paul reminds us that we are to "Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Gala­ tians 5:16). The Apostle then spells Page 7

Galatians 5:22, is translated two times out of about fourteen times in the New Testament as patience. In its verb form it is frequently translated as patience and actually carries the connotation of “ remain­ ing behind" or "under" something. The suggestion is that one can face obstacles without letting them get him down so that he cannot con­ trol himself. If I get on the freeway to go from LaMirada to downtown Los Angeles I may have to "remain behind" a long stream of crawling traffic be­ cause of an accident. I need to tell myself, "Even though I am going to be late for my appointment there is no sense in being overly concerned about it, there is nothing I can do now that I am trapped here." This is the idea of "remaining behind" without letting it get you down which is the basic concept of pa­ tience. It is a willing acceptance of the condition which exists. Paul re­ minded the Roman believers, "We glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation worketh patience" (Romans 5:3). God's Word tells us that even though thwarted we can rejoice realizing that the all-impor­ tant commodity of patience is being perfected in our lives. We find this same truth expounded for us in James 1:2 and 3. Longsuffering can only operate under adverse conditions. To use a familiar example again, if I get on the freeway to go downtown and find no problems with traffic obvi­ ously I would never exercise the quality of character known as long- suffering or having a "long spirit." Perhaps longsuffering is like coffee since the benefit is appreciated on­ ly when it is in hot water. It is when

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