Life Insurance by the Numbers

Lifeinsuranceby thenum bers

52% reportowninglifeinsurancein 2021— downfrom 63% in201 Theam ountofprotected fam ileshas faleninthelastdecade.

6% ofkidsloseaparent byage18*

. butsom epeoplestilthink lifeinsuranceisonlyforthe healthyand wealthy

COVID-19m adem oreofusthink aboutlifeinsurance.

ofpeoplewhotested positiveforCOVID-19 saythey’relikely togetapolicy 42%

More than half

sayCOVID heightened theirawarenes ofthe valueoflifeinsurance. 6 in 10

ofAm ericans overestim atethecostof lifeinsuranceby3x

ʨ ethre topreasons Am erican buylife insurance?

83% coverʣnalexpenses

68% replacelostincom e

63% leavean inheritance


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