King's Business - 1963-03

H e r e ’s G o s p e l L i g h t ’s a l l - n e w C h o o s e t h e 1 0 - D a y o r 5 - D a y

Concentrated new 5 -DAY Vacation Bible School

Complete new 10-DAY Vacation Bible School

5-DAY VBS All new—even the idea! For the first time, a 5-day

10-DAY VBS All new! New “ Living With Christ” theme, new materials, new teaching helps —all with new completeness. Everything planned and furnished for all departments, pre-school through adult. Christ-centered and educationally sound, it’s yours for rewarding results even with an untried staff and minimum effort. Send for sample kit of — ■ 10-day Teacher’s Manuals ■ 10-day Student’s Books ■ Leader’s Guide ■ 10-day Bible KitKraft with all materials ■ Free descriptive record and literature And use the extra helps shown below! 10-DAY or 5-DAY, both need these helps. New correlated visual aid kits, missionary storybooks, Sing-A-Long records, songbook and visualized hymn make VBS more enjoyable. New contest and promotional aids help build attendance. Need teachers? Use the new filmstrip, “ Breakthrough,” to help inspire, recruit and train. Individual Teacher Training Records, too ! Whichever you choose—10-day or 5-day, your new VBS will be ready-to-teach. Both help relate Jesus and the Bible closely to your pupils’ lives. Make this a “ Living With Christ” summer!

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T h e K i n g s B u s i n e s e E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot S. H. Sutherland Ray A. Myers Chancellor President Chairman of the Board MARCH, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 3 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home M en / Do you have \ { * 300 , * 500 , * 1000 , ' ; V or more, to Invest / /

THE COCKTAIL AGE — Peter Eldersveld ........................................... 9 THE EARNEST OF THE SPIRIT — W. A. Haggai ........................... 10 DESIGN FOR MURDER — Roy Zuck .................................................. 12 THE LAST TEMPTATION OF THE CHURCH — William W . Bass .. 14 A HOME TH A T FAITH BUILT ................................................................ 16 THE BELIEVING LIFE IN ORBIT — Tom Watson, Jr......................... 18 WILL YOU WIN THEM THIS SUMMER — Al Sanders ................. 23 SIX REASONS FOR A COLD CHURCH ................................................ 25 THE BABY WITHOUT A NAME — Carol Terry ............................... 40 LIFE HAS NO MEANING ...................................................................... 44 F e d u /iM A MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ............. 6 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 20 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot........................... 26 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ...................................... 28 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ..................... ............................ 30 CHRISTIAN SENTINEL — Nelson S. Dilworth .................................... 33 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James 0. Henry .............. ......... 34 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 35 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Bayles ............................................... 38 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ...................... 39 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey ...................................................... 43 M unm PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ......................................................................... 4 READER REACTION ........................................ ............................. 5 HOMILETICAL HELPS ...................................................... ....... ..... 22 — All Rights Reserved —&

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y|||gV Clip and Mall Coupon Today I — **” WRITE: Annuity Dspartmsnt Dept. 3K3 MOODY B IB LE INSTITU TE 120 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me, without obligation, double dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, where there ’ s a will , relating to stewardship. Name __________________ Age ______ Address _ City- L Z Z -Zone __ State _

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MARCH, 1963



Governor Mark Hatfield of Oregon, na­ tional chairman of the National Sun­

Royal L. Peck, founder and director of the Italian Bible Institute in Rome, Italy, has announced that the school was granted full legality by. the Ital­ ian government. This represents a major step forward toward enabling the Institute to become an effective instrument in the evangelization of that country. Until legality was,,won, student activity in public preaching

day School Associa­ tion, together with more than 20 key d e n o m i n a t i o n a l leaders and com- m i 11 e e members, are planning t o make a reality the Association’s new­ est program, CITI­ ZENS FOR SUN­ DAY S C H O O L .

“ I appreciate STONY BROOK’ S Experienced Masters” says Victor Chen Rego Park, New York

Gov. Hatfield

The School has always been noted for its faculty of experienced masters from leading colleges and universities. They represent, among others, Harvard, Princeton, Oxford University (England), Brown, Davidson, Duke, Franklin and Marshall, Pennsylvania, Columbia, New York University, Gordon, Barrington, Shelton, Houghton, Wheaton, Biblical Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary. Masters at Stony Brook are expe­ rienced, yet not so old as to be out of sym­ pathy with the boys’ point of view, f Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities,

The goal of this program is to have five:million more people enrolled in the Sunday schools of America by the. end of 1965. The plan in brief is this: 3 to come in 1963, 4 more in 1964, and 5 in 1965; a total of 12 in three years. ,, Rev. George C. Klein has been ap­ pointed as the area secretary for all the African fields of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Mr. Klein has served with The Alliance in the Gabon field in Africa since 1935. Mr. Klein’s appointment as area secretary for Africa will free Rev. George S. Con­ stance to concentrate upon his duties as area secretary for Latin America. The third area secretary for the Alli­ ance mission is Rev. Robert M. Chris- man, who supervises the wofk in India and the Far East. Dr. Donald C. Boardman, chairman of the department of gedlogy at Wheat­ on College, w ill direct the Black Hills Summer School ' program. F i e l d sciences are offered at the western campus of the College' located in Black Hills, South Dakota. Pictured above is this campus in the heart of the Black Hills, providing a spacious

and witnessing, was curbed. Now, however, mass evangelism may be en­ gaged in without fear of reprisal. The Institute is sponsored by Great­ er Europe Mission. Pictured above are the students attending the Bible In­ stitute and its staff. Irl M cC allister, missionary for The Evangelical Alliance M i s s i o n in South Africa, recently told of the amazing growth of the Light of Life ministry. The Light of Life is a cor­ respondence school ministry which stretches from Iceland to Australia and from Portugal to Japan. Mr. Mc- Callister says, “We have already en­ rolled over 74,000 students here in South Africa.” Year-end reports show that 1,905,000 students have been reached by the Mark, John, Acts, or Galatian studies, and of this number 428,000 have completed one or more of the four courses. Charles E. Fuller of the OLD FASH­ IONED REVIVAL HOUR, marks his

the School aims at a harmony of purpose. By intelligent applica­ tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach­ ing, Stony Brook is making a dis­ tinctive contribution to American education. D r . F r a n k E. G a e b b l e i n - Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80


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L o ca te d on a w ood ed , 3 3 -a cre campus, six miles northwest of Wheaton, Illinois . . . the Academy offers academic preparation for schools of higher education. Fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Second­ ary Schools, it provides for your son’s and daughter’s all-around de­ velopm ent-intellectual, spiritual, social and physical life. Write or phone today for admission and placement procedure—Phone 231-0727 WHEATON ACADEMY, Dept. K33 Box 267 Wheaton, Illinois

of broadcasting the gospel by radio. Dr. Fuller has passed m a n y milestones and received out­ standing rew a rd s, in these years, but the most rewarding o f a l l a r e t h e sheaves of letters from thousands of converts to the gos­ pel of Christ. In

38th anniversary

workshop in one of nature’s most un­ usual outdoor laboratories. Other courses will be taught in the northern Wisconsin area where students will receive practical experience in coun­ seling and leadership. The home campus in Wheaton, Illinois will also offer courses in each of the College’s academic divisions. The Summer In­ stitute of Missions will again be fea­ tured with course^ on the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Dr. Fuller

THE NEW BIRTH by HERMAN A. HOYT. The impor- tance, explanation« necessity and preciousness of the new birth are con­ vincingly presented by Dr. Hoyt. $2.50

this 38th anniversary year, friends everywhere join in saluting him, his wife, and his staff, and in wishing them “ God’s richest blessing,” as Dr. Fuller has so often wished for his listeners.

DUNHAM Publishing Company "Ò-!ó’



WORDS OF APPRECIATION Just a word of appreciation for THE KING’S BUSINESS. W e find it like a tower serving as a source of light and guidance. May the Lord prosper the work of your hands. David R. Kruse, Japan. May the Lord richly bless your min­ istry. I received a complimentary sub­ scription last year. Should you have any teachers who are seeking a place of serv­ ice, you may tell them that a Biola educa­ tion is a good recommendation. Cecil B. Barnett, Superintendent, Oakland Public Schools, Oakland, Oregon We have at least two dozen Christian magazines, newspapers and pamphlets com­ ing into our home including some very popular ones in the Christian field. Of all these publications, THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS is the most practical, spiritual read­ ing material we receive. We praise the Lord for your solid stand, excellent arti­ cles, and most refreshing editorials. We could not think of a better gift that would give more enjoyment than your good pub­ lication. Dr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Fair TOO MUCH PSYCHOLOGY? W e have enjoyed THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS very much and have sent out a number of gift subscriptions. We especially appreciate Dr. Sutherland’s articles from month to month. Would that more would see the vital issues of our day and com­ ment on them. But we are a bit concerned about one thing. Do you not think you may be stressing too much the subject of “ Psychia­ try” and related subjects? After all, only the Holy Spirit of God can do for troubled souls what men cannot do. And is there not a danger in letting men think that a psychiatrist can solve all their problems— even a Christian one? We have to do a lot of counseling and welcome any com­ ments on this subject. Mrs. E. Gerig, Portland, Oregon. KB AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Just a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed THE KING’S BUSINESS. M y son had the magazine sent to me as a Christmas gift. I read it from cover to cover and have found great comfort on every page. The KB ranks next to the Bible with me . . . I often pass these magazines on to friends. They appreciate getting them after I have read them. May God continue to bless and use you to print the magazine always to revive its readers. Mrs. Willie Poland, Waverly, Tennessee.

Their father, a tenant farmer, died of peritonitis in I960. A year later they were abandoned by their mother. A humble pastor took in the destitute little waifs, but his own circumstances forced him to seek refuge for them in our Love Valley Home. Now they are praying for sponsors to maintain them in one of our Christian orphanages.

HUNDREDS OF OTHER CHILDREN (including the children pictured at left) with stories just as tragic, are waiting for word that someone cares enough for them to become their sponsor. For only $10 a month (that’s about 30 cents a day) you will provide for the child’s necessities—food, shelter, clothing and education. We provide a Christian home, staffed by Bible-believing Koreans. The children will be taught the Word of God and surrounded by a whole­ some atmosphere. Among these children may be Korea’s future Christian leaders. The child you select will know you as sponsor. A photo and the' life story of the child will be sent to you; children who are able to write will correspond with their sponsors. If the child is not able to write, one of the staff members will do so. There’s a new and undreamed-of blessing awaiting you as an “adopted” “Mommy,” or “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Sister.” The need for sponsors is urgent. The appeal is for many who will answer a child’s prayer for someone who cares enough to care for him. Do what your compassionate heart tells you to do— n o w !

Chun In (H-5)

Chun II (H-6)

Yung Soo (H-7)

Our New Name — COMPASSION In sharing this ministry with us you show genuine COMPASSION, which is the new name of this work, known for the past 10 years as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Asso­ ciation. We believe our new name is more descriptive of the spirit and nature of the work.

^COMPASSION’S RESPONSIBILITY... r To care for more than 17,000 Korean orphans. To maintain 158 orphanages, supervised and staffed by Bible-believing Christians. To serve more than 21,500,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.

Hue Myong (H-8)


□ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number________ If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl. With God’s help I will send $10 a month. Please send my child’s name, picture, ad­ dress and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ □ Please send folder, “Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans."

EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and Director Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ______________ 7.nne Utate Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. €OMPASS ION (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Eat 1952 Dept. K33 7774 Irving Park Road Chicago 34, III.

MARCH, 1963


NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY by Walter M. Dunnett, M.A., B.D. One o f a series for class instruc­ tion and local teacher training A splendid introduction to Bible study. Leads to a more personal and vital relationship with Christ. Skillfully gives purpose, content, and distinctive feature o f each book. Many interesting maps and charts. Thrilling biographical sketches o f New Testament per­ sonalities. 96 pages, plastic bound $1.35. Teachers Guide also avail­ able, 38 pages, 85c. 11 other texts for leadership preparation. Write, dept. KB3

The New Religion— Secularism A t long last, there is beginning to be recognized the fact that those who disavow any faith in any o f the great religious streams o f thought that have run more or less parallel throughout most o f the history o f our land actually have a faith o f their own. It is being currently called, "Secularism.” These great religious streams o f thought which have been found in the United States almost from the beginning are Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism. It is to these there must be added this newest, namely Secularism. The secularists believe anything that they desire, but they are quite united in disavowing any faith whatsoever in God as the Supreme Being, the Creator o f the universe and, as a result' they dis­ believe all o f the objective tenets o f faith which constitute the d oc­ trines held by the above-mentioned religious bodies. The humanists o f previous generations, materialistic evolutionists, the ideological communists o f the present time and all others who believe that man is the creation o f his own imagination and that the cosmos is merely an organized product o f an utterly chaotic primordial condition, hold that there is evidently nothing above or beyond the inherent ability o f man to work out his own destiny. Heretofore this type o f thinking has been referred to as a lack o f faith; now it is being recognized as a faith all its own. The winter, 1962 edition o f Stanford Today, is devoted to religion. Accord ing to news reports, Dr. Robert M cA fee Brown, who recently came as professor o f religion from Union Theological Seminary o f New York City, states, "One need not be a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu to be religious. The Secularist likewise has his object o f faith and can live an eminently religious life. The distinterested pursuit o f truth by the scientist . . . is often a higher religious act, a greater demonstration o f what faith truly is than the most impeccably orthodox utterances o f a Presby­ terian divine.” The recognition o f secularism as a major religious force in our country today should lead theologians and politicians alike to take another hard look at some o f the more recent trends in the religious appeasement program that has characterized, for in­ stance, the recent Supreme Court decision in connection with relig­ ious matters. Why, for instance, should one secularist be allowed to

E v a n g e lic a l T e a c h e r T ra in in g A s s o c ia tio n Paul M. Loth, Ed.D. President B O X 327 . W H E A T O N , IL L IN O IS

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impose his religious convictions upon an entire grammar school or an entire grammar school district by protesting the singing o f Christmas carols or the reading o f verses from the Bible, or the offering o f a prayer at the opening o f school sessions each morning? In this country where majority rule is supposed to prevail, it seems passing strange that one secularist, by voicing his particular religious convictions loudly enough, is able to close the mouths o f the vast majority who heartily disagree with him. The travesty o f it all is that this development in the religious life o f our country likely never would have taken on such propor­ tions had our great Protestant denominations and their theological seminaries remained true to the faith once for all delivered unto the saints. Always there have been isolated voices o f the secularist persuasion to be heard in every generation o f the past. But they become more and more prominent only as the church o f Jesus Christ becomes weak in its convictions and departs from the Word o f God. This is true today. And we have only ourselves to blame! I f only this eminent divine who has recently become professor o f religion at one o f our great universities, and evidently had his theological training in one o f our outstanding seminaries o f the land, and others like him would herald the great doctrines o f the Word o f God and warn against the rising tide o f secularism instead o f merely recognizing it and urging that we learn to live with it, perhaps the trend might be reversed and, once again, we should be able to move forward as a great Christian nation. But, alas, it could even be that he himself has merely a cloak o f the genuine old-time religious convictions which serves to hide his own secularist ideology. One suspects that this is true in many instances among religious leaders o f our country today. Thank God, voices that proclaim the great doctrines o f the Word o f God in all o f their authority, beauty and simplicity have not been completely stilled. There are Bible colleges and Christian colleges, today, as well as outstanding theological seminaries, which take their stand upon the Word o f God and boldly proclaim its truths centering around the great doctrine o f justification through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His atoning work on Calvary’s cross. In these days when changes occur so rapidly in theological circles, one dares not rely upon the stand taken by religious t r aining centers even a decade ago. Their message today may be something quite different from the message proclaimed by the same institution in years gone by. Bible-believing Christians everywhere would do well to make certain that their current interests and benevolences are directed toward those schools that today are standing firm on the historic doctrines o f the Word o f God. It is not what a school formerly believed and taught but what it believes and teaches to­ day which counts in the battle against all that is false. "Be strong. We are not here to play, to dream, to drift. We have hard work to do, loads to lift. Shun not the struggle, face it, ’tis God’s gift. Be strong!”

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MARCH, 1963


The Bible, too, stands constant in a changing world. The University of Cambridge, through its Press, is proud of the privilege of having printed the Bible for longer than any press in existence.

Someone once said that God couldn’t be everywhere, and so He made mothers. The world changes, and man reaches into space, but nothing changes the warm love of the one who keeps the house.


tainly does not deserve to win this world, for it has bluntly and even boastfully turned its back on God. And He will eventually punish any nation that does that. But meanwhile, He might conceivably use it to punish other nations which have had all the great privileges and benefits of the Christian faith, including liberty, but now pursue the ways of wine and wickedness instead of the ways of God. People who go to saloons instead of churches, who prefer the cocktail hour to the hour of worship, who are slaves of liquor instead of servants of God, who love revelry rather than righteousness, who want the pleasure of sin but refuse the power of salvation — such people are heading for destruction. They are bringing the judg­ ment of God down upon themselves. Temperance cru­ sades are not going to save them. Legislation is not going to stop them. And pious talk about moderation is not go­ ing to change them. They need repentance. They need Christ. They must forsake their evil ways and go back to the God whose judgment is hanging over their heads. Nothing could be more tragic for a nation of 50,000,000 drinkers and 5,000,000 alcoholics than a church that no longer has the spiritual power and purity to show men the way out of their sin. These are days when the na­ tion needs the church more than ever before, but it must be a church that deserves a hearing, that is not guilty itself of the evils which it condemns. If it takes on the ways of the world, its voice will soon be silenced. And this -must not happen today. Christ has the word of hope for all troubled souls who are trying to find their way out of their alcoholic misery. We may not be able to change the minds of people who think drinking is all right and who know how to ration­ alize their way around everything the Bible has to say on this subject. But to the soul seeking deliverance, Christ who Himself conquered sin, will give His victory to those who trust Him.

“ W oe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! . . . 'But they regard not the work of the Lord, neither consider the operation of His hands. Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge. . . . Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure” (Isa. 5:11-14). T h a t is a f e a r f u l picture, isn’t it? And, mind you, not all the people were alcoholics. But they were drinking too much. And so they brought the judgment of God upon their nation. He sent them into captivity to a foreign power — not only because of their drink­ ing, but because of what it revealed about their inner spiritual and moral condition. Their drinking was only a symptom of what was really wrong with them. They had forsaken their God and had pursued the pleasure of sin. The heart of the nation was sick, and that’s why they gave themselves to drinking and dissipation and debauch­ ery. This is what makes the picture so frightfully modern. It gives a nation of 50,000,000 drinkers something to think about, especially in these days when a foreign power is pounding on our gates and openly 'boasts that it will bring the whole world into captivity. A nation that drinks too much is only betraying what’s wrong inside. It is ob­ viously compensating for its spiritual weakness. Eventual­ ly it will not have the moral strength to resist, nor the capacity for self-government, nor the will to be free. In short, it has forsaken its God, it no longer has regard for the deeds of the Lord and the work of His hands. Its excessive drinking is only a sign of its basic spiritual in­ security. No, there is no way for us to get around this very pointed lesson from history, especially because it comes to us straight from the Word of God. Communism cer­

MARCH, 1963




The Earnest o f the Spirit ^




by Rev. W . A . Haggai, Pastor Calva ry Bap tist Ch u rch , Bingham ton , New Y o rk

M a n y y e a r s a g o while reading my Arabic New Testa­ ment, I was struck with the word translated “ ear­ nest.” This word is found three times in the English New Testament, never in the Old. However, the corresponding Hebrew word is found there many times, translated “ pledge” , “ surety” , “mortgage.” The verbal form is trans­ lated “ engage”, “ give pledge” and “undertake.” The word in the Arabic New Testament was one commonly used in the city of Damascus in my early boyhood days, and always, so far as I could remember, it denoted betrothal, which at that time was a public ceremony consummated in the presence of a clergyman and included the presen­ tation of a ring by the man to the woman. Tracing the English word “ earnest” back through the Latin and Greek languages to the Hebrew, I found that it was the term used of the ring signifying betrothal or engage­ ment. We all understand the term“ engagement ring.” When a Christian young man and a Christian young woman come to the mutual agreement that they are in love with one another, that they feel God is leading their lives together as husband and wife, the token of this agree­ ment is a ring which is placed on the finger of the girl— the “ earnest.” Applying this to the truth concerning the Spirit of God, in all reverence let me put it this way: The Holy Spirit deals with your soul and reveals your sins to you. The Word of God is proclaimed and in your mind and heart He convicts you that you are lost, that you need a Saviour and that the Saviour is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. You receive Him as your Lord and Saviour. Something takes place then. The Spirit of God comes into your life and serves as the engagement ring. He is the earnest, the engagement ring, upon your soul that says to you, “ Now this will bind the relationship until the day of marriage.”

Is this found in the Word? Most certainly. In Hosea 2:19 and 20 we read of the Lord’s saying to Israel: “ And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment, and in lovingkindness, and in mercies. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness: and thou shalt know the Lord.” In the New Testament the Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians: “ For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Cor. 11:2). And we read in Rev. 19 about the marriage of the Lamb, how, His bride having prepared herself, He comes and takes her unto Himself in marriage, the consumma­ tion of the relationship. What is the significance of an engagement ring? There are four thoughts that can be given in this con­ nection. In the first place, it is used to declare the rela­ tionship and let it be known. I do not know any girls who are ashamed of their ring. They usually like to show it and they are glad when people notice it. Conversing with a girl during the first World War, I wondered why her concern was so great when mention was made of a certain person who was then in France. Holding her hand right in front of my face, she asked, “ Don’t you see?” There was the ring to declare their relationship. And so it is the Holy Spirit in the believer who will declare to the world the relationship between him and the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who are ashamed of wit­ nessing for Christ have reason to ask the question, “ Am I really His?” In the second place, the engagement ring sets apart. Up to the time of engagement a girl is perfectly free to go with different fellows. But when she becomes engaged, then she is set apart to one individual, and whenever she does go with others, to use the common language, she



reminded over and over that he belongs to Christ. In the last place, the ring suggests preparation for the wedding. We are all familiar with the words of our Lord to His apostles in the upper room: “ In my Father’s house are many abiding places (or abodes); otherwise I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you unto myself, that where I am ye also may be” (John 14:2b, 3, literal translation). Here we have the preparation which is going on in heaven. We have no clear revelation as to the full nature or scope of this preparation, but we know that He is pre­ paring a place for His own. In Rev. 19:7 we read of preparation on the part of the bride: “ Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready (Greek, hath prepared herself).” For added light on this preparation let us go to Eph. 5:25-27: “ Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it (her); That he might sanctify and cleanse (her) with the washing of water by the word, That he might present (her) to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that (she) should be holy and without blemish.” It would seem from the language used here that the process of preparation is going on until the presentation takes place at His appearing. The juxtaposition of these verses cor­ roborates the thought before us, that this is a time of preparation on both sides of the veil. The Lord Jesus is preparing a place for His bride in His Father’s house; simultaneously He also is preparing her for that place. During the few months between my sister’s betrothal and her wedding over fifty years ago in the city of Damascus, our house was indeed busy. Books showing ladies’ styles were very numerous. Merchants were com­ ing to the house to show their wares. My mother and sister were buying and sewing. I think my sister had something like ten gowns. She had bracelets from the wrists to the elbows, a chain made of gold pieces across her chest, and several rings with diamonds. All this was only a token of that which was to come — only the pre­ paration awaiting the great day, the wedding day. On that day the bride periodically absented herself from the festivities to change into another gown in order to display for the admiration of the guests her trousseau, for which the bridegroom had paid, thus showing forth the evi­ dence of his generosity. Our Lord Jesus Christ is now preparing you and me for .His wedding day. He is deal­ ing with you and with me. He has to use the hammer and chisel occasionally. We should not complain or think our lot is hard, but rather remember that we are His and He is preparing us for the great day that is to come — the wedding, the glorious marriage — that the display of His riches on us may be worthy of His majesty, or as Paul puts it in Eph. 2:7: “ That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kind­ ness toward us through Christ Jesus.” The earnest of the Spirit is the token of heavenly betrothal. Should this message come into' the hands of anyone who is not sure of ever having become a child of God by trusting in the blood of Christ shed for your sin and accepting Him as your Saviour, you can receive Him "right where you are and thus enter into this heaven­ ly relationship. What a challenge this truth brings to those who know Him! Are you living for Him? Do you display Him by your life, by your deeds as you go about? Do people know that you have been with Jesus, “ whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory” (I Peter 1:8)? God grant that it shall be so.

is two-timing. We do not respect such people. Set apart, she now becomes, shall I say, the property of the individ­ ual who is the bridegroom-to-be. So it is in the believer’s life. When a person is saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit sets that one apart. He or she becomes His own property. What can be richer than the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel according to John, when the Lord Jesus Christ in His high-priestly prayer says again and again: “ . . . they are mine . . . they are thine . . . they are mine . . . I in them and thou in me . . .” •— stressing the ownership over and over? “ Know ye not that . . . ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price . . .” (1 Cor. 6:19, 20). You are set apart. You belong to God, and the Christian who is unfaithful to the Lord has reason to ask himself or herself the ques­ tion, “What is wrong with my relationship to the Lord?” There are those who are two-timing, those who are going on with the world and those who are trying constantly to find pleasure in the companionship of others than Christ and even of the enemies of Christ. Would to God that those who come to Jesus for the cleansing of His blood, seeking a holy affiance with Him, would give serious attention to this significance. Does not our Lord make this very clear in His condition of discipleship? Listen to these solemn words: “ If any one comes to me, and hates not his father and mother and wife and chil­ dren and brothers and sisters, and besides also his own soul, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26, literal translation). Again in the same chapter and the 33rd verse He says: “ Thus therefore every one of you who does not bid farewell to all that he himself possesses, cannot be my disciple.” Strong terms these! If we have sincerely repented of our sins and put our trust in the Saviour, then He has given us the earnest, the engagement ring who is the Holy Spirit. And if the Holy Spirit is in our hearts, He is able to wean us from all other loves. We are weak, to be sure, and we do go astray and cast flirta­ tious glances here and there; but the RING gently re­ bukes us and draws us back to our heavenly Fiance. “ Show me Thy face — one transient gleam Of loveliness divine, And I shall never think or dream Of other love save Thine: All lesser light will darken quite, All lower glories wane, The beautiful on earth will scarce Be beautiful again.” In the third place, the ring serves as a reminder to the fiancee of him to whom she has given her heart. It would hardly seem necessary to have a reminder. Nevertheless, there are times when a casual glance or an accidental look at it stirs the emotions and sends fresh thoughts in the direction of the absent loved-one. When we come face to face with certain decisions, we look upon the ring and say, “No, in the light of this relationship it must not be.” In the fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth chapters of the Gospel according to John, our Lord de­ lineates the ministries of the Spirit of God to the Chris­ tian. One of them is that He will bring to remembrance things that He has told us (John 14:26). He will remind us again and again. He comes graciously and whispers in our ear, saying, “ Is this becoming to a child of God? Don’t you know that you are Mine? Can you enjoy yourself?” I attended a banquet which I knew would be a secular banquet all the way through. I knew I was going to offer prayer but not to preach. I prayed before I left home that I might witness to my Lord in the prayer, in my sitting there and in my conversation, for I am His property and belong to Him. The Christian needs to be


MARCH, 1963


T h i s is a t r e a t i s e on murder. A “ do-it-yourself” guide for youth sponsors who suffer from the inner urge to commit homicide. My aim is to help you get rid of that bothersome Sunday evening youth group. You may have tried to give your job of sponsoring to someone else, but without success. Or perhaps you had hoped that the group would “ die a natural death.” But, for some reason, the teens still keep coming to the meetings. Now you are wondering if there is a quicker, cleaner means of teen extermination. Youth work, you may have concluded, is not worth it. After all, being a sponsor keeps you from your choice Sunday evening TV programs. Planning and attending socials with annoying adolescents robs you of your coveted

evening-at-home leisures during the week. Teen-agers are nice kids, but they get on your nerves. They come to you with petty problems such as whom to date and where to go to college. They have such fluctuating emotions. They are so difficult to understand. You are frustrated. You are at the point of ulcerating despair. “What’s the answer?” you ask. There is only one alternative: murder! Therefore, the following arsenal of homicidal helps is offered for your convenience. Take your pick, and remember this one note of advice: suit your weapon to your victim.



1. Strangle your youth group. One sure, smooth way to “ deaden” youth interest is to choke off every desire teens may have to participate in the meetings. Do not allow your young people to plan or take part in any of the programs. Forget the rumor you’ve heard that today’s teens have talent, initiative, and brain power. Inform your group that you “ run the show” because you are the sponsor. Their job is to sit and listen. Teens who take part in programs keep their spiritual blood stream active. This keeps them alive and coming back. So, hold the tourniquet tight around the neck. If they beg for something to do— such as leading the singing reading the Scriptures, having an informal discussion— don’t dare let up. If you do, they may come back the next week—and that’s exactly what you do not want! Repress their desires to express themselves in their programs. Then it won’t be long before you may call the coroner. He will never suspect you had anything to do with the murder. 2. Starve them. If your teens insist on participating— if you can’t strangle them— then try starvation. Start a spiritual famine in your group. Give them no Bible-centered programs. Tell your group not to bother bringing their Bibles to the meeting. Omit Scripture reading. In your discussions refer to the writings of Aristotle or Toynbee, anything but the Bible. Forget about relating to their Christian-life problems. Do your best to undernourish your group by less-than- solid programs. Never get into subjects that teens are interested in, such as dating and marrriage. Avoid pro­ grams on how to improve daily devotions, and how to witness for Christ. Refrain from discussing how to choose a God-directed career or how to live with parents. Bypass topics on popularity, temptations, questionable practices. Skip these subjects, and your teens .w ill skip your programs. By a well-planned schedule of malnutrition you can make your teen-agers’ blood anemic and paralyze their spiritual muscles. Your group will pine away, having no strength to make it out to the meetings. Your goal will be accomplished— the bloodless way. 3. Bury them alive. You are aware that a rut is a deadly thing—something like a grave with both ends dug out. So why not bury your group in a rut? This method is unconditionally guaranteed to be fatal. Here’s how to use this method in your church: Insist that every program begin with “ Tonight we’ll sing your favor­ ites.” Follow the not-so-lively song service with a few testimonies, work in a dozen choruses, pass the chorus book for the collection, have the same three kids as last week read some “parts.” . Follow this procedure faithfully for several weeks in a row. Never vary it. Do nothing different in any of the programs. If you follow these instructions, you will not even need to hire an undertaker. You will have buried your youth group alive! 4. Poison your group. Envenom your youth group with the poison of nondiluted entertainment. Because teen-agers Ienjoly zestful activities, make your youth pro­ grams something like a circus. Add the hip-hip-hooray of contests, quizzes, choruses, films. Seek to attract'kids to the meetings by outside speakers every week. Include magicians, ventriloquists; show movie cartoons; take up the offering in a.flower basket;—do anything to fill in the

time and entertain. This approach is like sugar-flavored poison. Your group will enjoy it to the hilt, but at the same time they will famish spiritually. Then you can arrange for the funeral. 5. Asphyxiate your teens. Suffocate your young people with more preaching—on top of the Sunday school class lecture and church sermon that morning. Preach to the young people in every meeting. Smother them with your lengthy homiletical exhortations. Don’t worry about giving the teens the impression that church is only a place where they “ get preached at” all the time. After all, this younger generation is going to the dogs, and you need to call them back to dedication every week. Firmly stand by your convictions that socials and recreation are beneath the work of the church during the week. Center your entire youth program around you, around your “ sermons.” Let the young people know that because you have the answers, you do the preaching. Never try anything creative such as a panel, debate, or buzz session. Any mortician will tell you that asphyxiation is a simple but lethal method. 6. Knife your youth. If none of the above methods work, you may need to be more sanguine. Encourage your young people to talk to you personally about their prob­ lems. Promise your teens that they can confide in you. Then tell one of the other young people about the wrong­ doings of the teen you counseled. Soon the news will get around that you betrayed his confidence. That young person will know that he cannot trust you. Soon he drop out of your group. Fail to keep your word with other young people; dangle their mistakes before other teens; and you will soon decimate your group. 7. Work them to death. If nothing else works, have your young people do everything for and in the meetings. Offer them no assistance. Tell them the programs are theirs; you are only the chaperone. Insist that the teens develop their programs entirely on their own. Have them select the program idea, pick out all the songs, do all the research in the library for the debate (or whatever method they will use), find out for themselves how to conduct a debate, think up their ideas for publicity, etc. The program may be a flop (because the teens got discouraged in the struggling process of preparing), but your philosophy is “ learn to swim by swimming.” A few teens may drown in the process, but you needn’t care. After all, you don’t have time to give swimming lessons! The teens that don’t drown will soon drop dead from exhaustion. Then all you will have to do is write the obituary notices. 8 . ' Commit suicide. Perhaps you feel that the above procedures are inhumane. If so, may I suggest one other for solving your problem approach: suicide. Whether you resign by bullet, gas, ok a window leap, please leave a note on the dresser.

Word it this way: “ No sacrifice is too great for today’s teens. But I simply wasn’t willing to make the sacrifice.” Dr. Zuck. a graduate of Biola, is an editor of Scripture Press. Wheaton. Illinois. how to effectively kill your youth group

MARCH, 1963


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