King's Business - 1963-03

The Village Inn contains administrative offices, lounge, medical rooms, library , dining room and kitchen. W HILE SECULAR ORGANIZATIONS a n d land developers have been mak­

Dr. Turner receives a lesson from Mr. A lex V. Hanel, one of the residents. Mrs. Gilbert C. Lamar plays the organ each morning while Dr. Turner presents the Word..

m un ity of 121 apartments, chapel, h obb y shop, adm inistration bu ilding, d in in g room , in addition to a sw im ­ m in g p ool and other recreational fa ­ cilities. Am p le room fo r expansion is also provided, “ as the Lord so leads,” M r. Tu rn er adds. Residents o f the area have long known the nam e o f Frank A . M iller, one of the outstanding m en w h o was instrumental in the developm ent of Riverside, and in whose m em ory Rose Garden V illa g e has been dedicated. “ W h ere there is no vision the people perish^” was M r. M ille r’s scriptural goal and creed. H e was founder of the fam ed M ission Inn located in the city. Four different floor plans are avail­ able b y lease tq senior citizens. W h ile the developm ent opened the early part of this year, there are on ly a few apartments w h ich rem ain un ­ rented. Joining in dedication services w ith M r. and Mrs. Tu rner were Mrs. Frank A. M iller, and M r. Richard N ixon , accom panied by his mother, Mrs. Hanna N ixon . W ith ou t question, w h ile the grounds

in g lavish plans fo r the elderly, God spoke to the heart of Irish-born Bap­ tist evangelist, Rev. Bert Tu rner, about a need for an area w here Christians m igh t en joy their declin in g years. Because of its w arm clim ate and other desirable factors, Riverside, Cal­ ifornia was selected fo r Rose Garden V illage. W ith a site in m ind, M r. Tu rner stood on the undeveloped land, held his hands H eavenward and prom ised, “ Oh Lord, if Y ou w ill g iv e this to us for the purpose w e have upon our hearts, we w ill give Y ou the g lory in every aspect of its m inistry.” M r. Tu rner did n ot know at that time h ow this prom ise w ou ld be fu lfilled. Since then, this energetic leader has spoken before federal, state, county and city governm ent officials, tes­ tify in g as to what the Lord has done. “ Th is is not m y work, m en ,” he be­ gins, “ this is a h oly ground about w h ich we are ta lk in g; it belongs to G od.” Because he has kept his prom ­ ise to both m en and the Lord, the m inistry has developed into a com ­

of Rose Garden V illa g e are perhaps the loveliest of any retiral develop­ ment, yet the w arm friendliness and intensive sincerity of Rev. Bert T u rn ­ er are the real reasons w h y the atmosphere is always on the spiritual level. Opportunity is always present to fo llow the plan prom ised in its ded­ ication, “ T h at in all things the Lord m a y receive the g lo r y !”

Some of Rose Garden Villages residents gather around the pool to share their Christian fellowship.

MARCH, 1963


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