King's Business - 1963-03

Transform Your

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL with the Herald Summer Bible School Series, a Tested Plan and Purpose.

PT * -iyr. Promotion, graded lessons, Nursery through Junior •High—no waste. Teachers’ manuals and surplus les­ son books are usable year after year. Content is Bible-based —true even of handwork which is subservient to Bible study, not an end in itself. Permits long-range planning because what pupils will be taught in a 13-year period is known. The material A —n o w aste. m ann alc anrl cnm ln c l*»c_


jurist-centered. Presents the liv­ ing .Christ as Lord and Saviour.

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Content is Bible-centered. Does what you want— teaches God’s Word. Employs the same sound meth­ od of education as the public schools. The lessons of each grade are related to experience so that students express in daily living the Bible truths they have learned. In consequence their nature and influence become outgoing—evangelical.

is balanced and integrated and the Series is complete.

Teachers and Pupils Enthused “An atmosphere was created by your Series in our Vacation Bible School this year that, in my twenty years of experience, we have desired and been unable to create. I believe this atmosphere could be called a holy hush and calmness that seemed to invade the very innermost being of both teacher and pupil. It so eliminated the competition, the showing off, and the struggle to perform that it left us with a glow that, after nearly a year, warms my heart as I think upon it.” —Church in Iowa “Yye certainly liked the Herald Summer Bible School literature and the children all seemed really to enjoy it. A number of them begged us to carry on the school for another week. This was espe­ cially encouraging.” -Church in Montana Illustrated Covers Enrich the Series Pupils’ books of first 5 courses, nursery through second grade, have beautifully pictured all-over covers illustrated by Pelagie Doane, each different, all lithographed in full colors—pictures that appeal to children.

With the Herald Summer Bible School Series you will have a Daily Vacation Bible School that teaches pure Bible and glorifies God. There will be no need to apologize to anyone—to God, self, church, or com­ munity—for the kind of emphasis expressed and activity conducted in your school. Many will thank you for the sound concepts of God, the church, and Christian living which they have received.

Mail Coupon for Leader’s Guide This big and richly illustrated book, 8& x 11, presents the Herald Summer Bible School Series in its fullness. The Leaders Guide contains New Worship Theme, theme song, 10 daily devotions cen­ tered on the theme, suggested closing program, description of material for each of 13 grades in the Series including activity material; also description of teaching aids for each grade as well as much other useful information. Your dealer will gladly supply you with a copy or write the publishers today. Use the coupon. Don’t miss the insight, help, and inspiration this guidebook can bring you. Will help make your 1963 VBS the best and biggest ever.

HERALD PRESS Dept. KB , Scottdale, Pa. Please send me free copy of Leader's Guide picturing and describing Herald Summer Bible School Series. Name.

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Supply Dealer's — I am Q Pastor Q Supt. □ Dir. Chr. Ed.

HERALD PRESS Dept. KB, Scottdale, Pennsylvania

[-} Teacher r>T>

MARCH, 1963


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