H e r e ’s G o s p e l L i g h t ’s a l l - n e w C h o o s e t h e 1 0 - D a y o r 5 - D a y
Concentrated new 5 -DAY Vacation Bible School
Complete new 10-DAY Vacation Bible School
5-DAY VBS All new—even the idea! For the first time, a 5-day
10-DAY VBS All new! New “ Living With Christ” theme, new materials, new teaching helps —all with new completeness. Everything planned and furnished for all departments, pre-school through adult. Christ-centered and educationally sound, it’s yours for rewarding results even with an untried staff and minimum effort. Send for sample kit of — ■ 10-day Teacher’s Manuals ■ 10-day Student’s Books ■ Leader’s Guide ■ 10-day Bible KitKraft with all materials ■ Free descriptive record and literature And use the extra helps shown below! 10-DAY or 5-DAY, both need these helps. New correlated visual aid kits, missionary storybooks, Sing-A-Long records, songbook and visualized hymn make VBS more enjoyable. New contest and promotional aids help build attendance. Need teachers? Use the new filmstrip, “ Breakthrough,” to help inspire, recruit and train. Individual Teacher Training Records, too ! Whichever you choose—10-day or 5-day, your new VBS will be ready-to-teach. Both help relate Jesus and the Bible closely to your pupils’ lives. Make this a “ Living With Christ” summer!
VBS with its own plan, its own separate materials. Yet it’s a complete course! Have a worker shortage? This choice may literally keep the VBS ministry alive in your church. Same theme and departmentals as the 10-day course, but it’s a thorough and complete 5-day program. Send for sample kit of — ■ 5-day Teacher’s Manuals ■ 5-day Student’s Books ■ Leader’s Guide ■ 5-day Bible KitKraft with all materials ■ Free descriptive record and literature And use the extra helps shown below!
ORDER SAMPLE KIT CHOICE NOW! □ 10-day VBS Sample Kit. $5.95, returnable. □ 5-day VBS Sample Kit. $3.95, returnable. (Each kit includes teacher's and pupil's books and KitKraft Packets for each dept., plus Leader's guide, free record and literature.) □ New filmstrip for FREE use: “ Breakthrough,” Vz hr., full color. Sound on □ 33V5 record or □ tape. Date needed:___________ Name________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City, Zone, State_______________________________________________________ Church_______________________________________________________________ Position in Church- SEE YOUR VBS SUPPLIER GospelJjqiit J / PUBLICATIONS Wl/OO D EPT-----G LEND ALE 5. CALIFO RNIA M O UN D . M IN N ESO TA • TO RO NTO .O NTARIO (To avoid cutting cover, see coupon on page 43)
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