King's Business - 1963-03


Scripture: Judges chapter 1. Text: vs. 4; “ The Lord delivered the Canaanites . . . into their hand.” Object: Determining to go all the way in seeking victory. Definition: Victory—The overcoming of an enemy; conquest, triumph. Introduction: The Men of the Conquest. 1. “Men of faith and courage.” 2. “ The generation that took the land was one of the noblest that Israel ever had.” I. Victories of Judah, vs. 1-20. A. Divine Appointment—Judah chosen, i i B. Divine Alliance— Simeon called, 3. C. Divine Aid—thousands slain, 4. D. Divine Achievement—wicked cut off, 5-20. 1. Adoni-bezek. II. Victories of Others, vs. 21-36. A. Did not—seven tribes named. B. Did—put Canaanites to tribute. C. Yet—prevailed over the inhabitants. Conclusion: God’s Word on the Conquest, 2:1-5. “ Sin” is an obsolete word in the minds of many, but it is a perennial and uni­ versal experience. The Christian’s constant attitude should be: detect, depose, and de­ part from sin. I . T h e Definition of Sin (vs. 3-6). 1. Beginning in an evil principle (v. 3). 2. Carried out in evil acts (v. 4). 3. Forming evil habits (v. 6). 4. Developing an evil- character (v. 6 ). II. The Design of Sin (vs. 7-12). 1. To seduce the unwary (v. 7). 2. To exalt the devil (v. 7). 3. To breed hatred of God (v. 12). 4. To promote hostility to righteous­ ness (v. 12). III. The Destiny of Sin (vs. 5-12). 1. Bemoval by Grace (v. 5). 2. Destruction by Christ (v. 8). 3. Abandonment by believers (v. 9). 4. Suppression by love (v. 10). The distinction between sin and right­ eousness is exemplified in Cain and Abel (v. 12). The difference between evil and good, misery and happiness, death and life, heaven and hell, is effected only by the change from the old nature to the new, the old sphere of life to the new— through the power of God in Christ on Cal­ vary. — J a m e s K. M o o r h e a d 2. Caleb’s conquest. 3. Judah’s failure. 1. Ye have not obeyed, 1, 2. 2. I will not drive out, 3-5. THIS THING CALLED SIN 1 J o h n 3:3-12


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