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YouWin Them This Summer? A REVIEW OF 1963 V.B.S. MATERIALS
T iHERE was one main reason why, as boys, we always liked Vaca- Bible School at the large downtown church. While its doctrine was doubt less of vital importance to our par ents, the fact was that the special two weeks (which interrupted our sum mer vacation) included more than just the usual, and by now familiar, Bible stories. It was relatively easy
to encourage neighborhood friends to come along, for here, “ They have all sorts of things you make!” we reported. What boy (or girl) doesn’t enjoy using his hands in some new craft? Vacation Bible School has come a long way in the three decades which have elapsed since those relatively carefree days of youth. Major pub
lishers now seem to vie with each other for new ideas, methods, plans, and crafts. I suspect that at the .time this magazine reaches your home (you may even be wondering why the subject is treated so early in the year), most of the alert firms are al ready well on the way toward ideas for 1964. ICONTINED ON NEXT PAGE)
MARCH, 1963
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