King's Business - 1963-03

Advertising theirs as “ the only course with material for all six ages, nursery through adult,” the 1963 ver­ sion of this leading publisher has a unique plan for advanced recruiting of new students. Planned by one of the most out­ standing staffs of Christian educators to be found anywhere, including Dr. Bernice T. Cory, Mrs. Stella Dale- burn, Dr. Louis E. LeBar, and Dr. Roy B. Zuck (Biola alumnus), the careful correlation, excellent fulfill­ ment of theme, and the finest in art work will make it hard to pass by. While we did not have an Introduc­ tory Kit for inspection, the publisher ^ ; b 'm m m Ä * T ■ Hand puppets from Scripture Press offers a $7.50 value for $5.50. Pack­ aged like a suitcase and colorfully illustrated, the presentation is de­ signed to enlist even the most doubt­ ful and fearful worker at an early date. An interesting filmstrip on the theme, carrying a challenge for the entire church, is available for pur­ chase, or for free showing as early requests are made. The VBS guidebook would seem to answer every question asked concern­ ing the value of such a program, plus outlining what seem to be relatively simple ideas ultimately insuring nu­ merical, as well as spiritual, victories at the conclusion of the two weeks. Reverting to childhood again, the “Walk-a-fone that works” was espe­ cially appealing. (Secret messages are transmitted' 30 feet. Shades of Jack Armstrong!) I’ll have to send for the sample. 4. Gospel Light Press — “ Living With Christ” . Before me are two large and in­ triguing boxes. One is a five-day sample kit; the other contains ma­ terials for a ten-day VBS program. Prices on these are $3.95 and $5.95 respectively. It seems well worth it, even if only you and your children use it. (These sample kits seem like such bargains, I’m considering buy­ ing a number for Christmas pres­ ents! ) Seriously, my eye was really cap­ tured by the full-color photographs instead of only art on work books and manuals. They seem to add a com­ pletely new dimension to Christian

sible for the oversight of the program will be the new director’s manual and the helpful sound and colored film strip. The latter is free to churches. As I have Scotch ancestry, this last idea appeals to me as a real means of getting a program started without cost! Standard’s art work seems especial­ ly good, particularly when it Comes to the picture of the Lord Hirpself. Churches using Standard’s central- single theme program should find spiritual enrichment for pupils of every age. 2. Herald Press (Mennonite Pub­ lishing House) — “My Father’s World” . Describing their program as “A new theme but the same dependable, sound closely-graded permanent ma­ terial,” : this firm’s content is based upon Bible study. Only handwork re­ lated to the day’s lesson is used. By their own statement, “ The activity period is always a servant to Bible study; it is riot an end in itself,” Herald Press has long been known for the excellent and closely-graded

V . B . S . M A T E R I A L S ( C O N T I N E D i But for the Sunday school superin­ tendent or Christian education leader whose duty it will he to plan “ the most successful” V j B.S. ever, this re­ view is not a bit too early. This is the month to send for sample packets and film strips, discuss dates and leaders, and begin to sow the seeds for publicity and program develop­ ment. To help in this area, THE KING’S BUSINESS has investigated materials furnished by four major companies. They are: Standard Pub­ lishing Company, Cincinnati 3 1 , Ohio; Herald Press (Mennonite Pub­ lishing House), Scottdale, Pennsyl­ vania; Scripture Press Foundation, Wheaton, Illinois; and Gospel Light Publications, Glendale 5, California. I suspect that a combination of the impressive sample kits which were sent for review (my children and I loved working with them after prep­ aration for this issue), and since I am partial to its splendid materials, Gos­ pel Light Press weighed heavily in the balance of what materials I would personally select. Because of space, and particularly a lack of samples from publishers, other firms are not represented on these pages. Some of the well-known producers of Vaca­ tion Bible School materials are: Con­ cordia Press, Great Commission Press, Westminster Press, and the American Sunday School Union. THE KING’S BUSINESS neither endorses nor rec­ ommends, but suggests you make a careful study for yourself. For clarity’s sake, we will look at the available materials in the order of publishers given above. 1. Standard Publishing Company— “ Christ’s Way, My Way” . Taking daily les­

"My Father1 s World" is the theme for Herald Press in 1963 lessons which enable the specific church to know exactly where and what pupils will be taught over the 13-year period. Teachers will enjoy the manuals which not only give conventional tips and suggestions, but also have some new game ideas. As far as economy is concerned, something must surely be said for the fact that the materials do not become obsolete, as teachers’ manuals may be used year after year, and unused students’ books can be saved until the next year. Suggestions are given in the “ Lead­ er’s Guide” for an adult V.B.S., in addition to the listing of Audio-Vis­ uals. A free filmstrip is also available to see more of the contents and sug­ gestions for V.B.S. from Herald Press. 3. Scripture Press — “ Traveling God’s Highway” .

sons based on the lives of eleven New Testament person­ alities who yielded t h e m s e l v e s to Christ, the lessons are highlighted by attractive manuals. A w ell - balanced p r o g r a m is de­ signed for instruc­ tion, worship, fel­ lowship a n d serv­ ice. Samples a r e available (see pic­ ture), including all ages, for $ 4 . 9 5 ($8.48 publisher’s

® s rsw . 83 VACATION gjBLE SCHOOL

Standard's VBS Special Kit

value). Additional crafts include items all the way from chenille wire (seem to be sanctified pipe cleaners), and play doh (splendid, if it isn’t brought home). Of special interest to those respon­



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