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Vacation Bible School is a vital evangelistic and teach ing ministry of the church. During this period of con centrated Bible study (total time equal to more than half of an entire year’s Sunday School instruction!) young and old alike learn much about traveling God’s Highway. And Scripture Press VBS materials are tops . . . the only course covering every age bracket . . . Nursery thru Adult! Order an Introductory Kit now. At $5.50 it is the best investment you can make to assure VBS success. Just fill in the handy coupon below and take it to your Christian Bookstore or mail to Scripture Press. SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. / W heaton, II I Please send me your new 1963 Vacation Bible INTRODUCTORY KIT @ $5.50 plus postage.* Unois School f~1 Check enclosed n Bill my church
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