King's Business - 1963-03



Governor Mark Hatfield of Oregon, na­ tional chairman of the National Sun­

Royal L. Peck, founder and director of the Italian Bible Institute in Rome, Italy, has announced that the school was granted full legality by. the Ital­ ian government. This represents a major step forward toward enabling the Institute to become an effective instrument in the evangelization of that country. Until legality was,,won, student activity in public preaching

day School Associa­ tion, together with more than 20 key d e n o m i n a t i o n a l leaders and com- m i 11 e e members, are planning t o make a reality the Association’s new­ est program, CITI­ ZENS FOR SUN­ DAY S C H O O L .

“ I appreciate STONY BROOK’ S Experienced Masters” says Victor Chen Rego Park, New York

Gov. Hatfield

The School has always been noted for its faculty of experienced masters from leading colleges and universities. They represent, among others, Harvard, Princeton, Oxford University (England), Brown, Davidson, Duke, Franklin and Marshall, Pennsylvania, Columbia, New York University, Gordon, Barrington, Shelton, Houghton, Wheaton, Biblical Seminary, and Dallas Theological Seminary. Masters at Stony Brook are expe­ rienced, yet not so old as to be out of sym­ pathy with the boys’ point of view, f Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli­ gious, academic, and recreational activities,

The goal of this program is to have five:million more people enrolled in the Sunday schools of America by the. end of 1965. The plan in brief is this: 3 to come in 1963, 4 more in 1964, and 5 in 1965; a total of 12 in three years. ,, Rev. George C. Klein has been ap­ pointed as the area secretary for all the African fields of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Mr. Klein has served with The Alliance in the Gabon field in Africa since 1935. Mr. Klein’s appointment as area secretary for Africa will free Rev. George S. Con­ stance to concentrate upon his duties as area secretary for Latin America. The third area secretary for the Alli­ ance mission is Rev. Robert M. Chris- man, who supervises the wofk in India and the Far East. Dr. Donald C. Boardman, chairman of the department of gedlogy at Wheat­ on College, w ill direct the Black Hills Summer School ' program. F i e l d sciences are offered at the western campus of the College' located in Black Hills, South Dakota. Pictured above is this campus in the heart of the Black Hills, providing a spacious

and witnessing, was curbed. Now, however, mass evangelism may be en­ gaged in without fear of reprisal. The Institute is sponsored by Great­ er Europe Mission. Pictured above are the students attending the Bible In­ stitute and its staff. Irl M cC allister, missionary for The Evangelical Alliance M i s s i o n in South Africa, recently told of the amazing growth of the Light of Life ministry. The Light of Life is a cor­ respondence school ministry which stretches from Iceland to Australia and from Portugal to Japan. Mr. Mc- Callister says, “We have already en­ rolled over 74,000 students here in South Africa.” Year-end reports show that 1,905,000 students have been reached by the Mark, John, Acts, or Galatian studies, and of this number 428,000 have completed one or more of the four courses. Charles E. Fuller of the OLD FASH­ IONED REVIVAL HOUR, marks his

the School aims at a harmony of purpose. By intelligent applica­ tion of this Christian program, in both administration and teach­ ing, Stony Brook is making a dis­ tinctive contribution to American education. D r . F r a n k E. G a e b b l e i n - Headmaster For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80


welcomes qualified applicants • • •

L o ca te d on a w ood ed , 3 3 -a cre campus, six miles northwest of Wheaton, Illinois . . . the Academy offers academic preparation for schools of higher education. Fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Second­ ary Schools, it provides for your son’s and daughter’s all-around de­ velopm ent-intellectual, spiritual, social and physical life. Write or phone today for admission and placement procedure—Phone 231-0727 WHEATON ACADEMY, Dept. K33 Box 267 Wheaton, Illinois

of broadcasting the gospel by radio. Dr. Fuller has passed m a n y milestones and received out­ standing rew a rd s, in these years, but the most rewarding o f a l l a r e t h e sheaves of letters from thousands of converts to the gos­ pel of Christ. In

38th anniversary

workshop in one of nature’s most un­ usual outdoor laboratories. Other courses will be taught in the northern Wisconsin area where students will receive practical experience in coun­ seling and leadership. The home campus in Wheaton, Illinois will also offer courses in each of the College’s academic divisions. The Summer In­ stitute of Missions will again be fea­ tured with course^ on the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Dr. Fuller

THE NEW BIRTH by HERMAN A. HOYT. The impor- tance, explanation« necessity and preciousness of the new birth are con­ vincingly presented by Dr. Hoyt. $2.50

this 38th anniversary year, friends everywhere join in saluting him, his wife, and his staff, and in wishing them “ God’s richest blessing,” as Dr. Fuller has so often wished for his listeners.

DUNHAM Publishing Company "Ò-!ó’



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