alumni news by Inez McGahey Ben ’42 and Adelle (Ottoson ’42) Elson, Mexico: “We spent time in Seattle teach ing missionary candidates . . . Ben also taught an additional course for the Uni versity since the Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America had its sum mer session at the University of Washing ton. . . . Back in Mexico, we had our inauguration ceremony for the new trans lation workshop in Ixmiquilpan. The local Otomi Indian Christians were in charge of the noon meal and served 500 persons without any fuss or bother. In one Mixtec village several months ago there was only one believer. Now fifteen gather to study the Word. Several similar instances in other villages were reported.” Phil ’51 and Jean (Cerllng ’49) Allen are serving the Lord in Japan. Pictured
joining hands
•Tony Fonfrane Story Walk The Tightrope Something to Die For George Muller Story
Orang Dyak
Just a Stranger pissing Missionaries
4 Saw Petra
Crisis In Morality
Withered Reed
Big Blast
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n a u - a f f ilia t e d w it h '* | THE BIBLE INSTITUTE 0E LOS ANGELES INCORPORATED 1 BIBLE INSTITUTE BIOLA COLLEGE: SCHOO L OF M ISSIONARY MEDICINE T A LBO T THEO LOG ICA L S EM IN AR Y A R IZO N A BIBLE INSTITUTE (See advertisement inside back cover) ORDER B L A N K WHEATON COLLEGE Wheaton, Illinois Dept. K33 j Please send me, without obligation, f Pleasant Tomorrows, the illustrated j booklet which explains in detail the | Wheaton A nnuity Plan. NAME ................................................................ AGE ................... SEX .................... (see advertisement inside front cover) ¡ORDER SAMPLE KIT CHOICE NOW! >□ 5-day VBS Sample Kit. $3.95, returnable. !□ 10-day VBS Sample Kit. $5.95, returnable. I(Each kit includes teacher's and pupil's books and1 |KitKraft Packets for each dept., plus Leader's I |guide, free record and literature.) I □ New filmstrip for FREE use: "Breakthrough,” I V2 hr., full color. Sound on □ 33 1/3 record! or □ tape. Date needed: IName . 558 St. Hope Slrrnt, Lot Angeles 17, California ADDRESS ............................. ........................... CITY ......................................................... ONE STATE ............................... - - - - - - ........ ...........
"Bible Foundation Course** .......................$ 3.00 "Chapter Summary*’ .................................... 5.00 "Child Evangelism” .......... 5.50 "Christ in The Tabernacle” (Talbot) ..... 6.50 "Fundamental Doctrines” (Torrey) ......... 6.50 "G od’s Plan of the Ages” (Talbot) ......... 5.00 "M inor Prophets” (5 Units) Feinberg ..... 16.50 "Practical Bible Training” ......................... 2.50 "Prophecies erf Daniel” (Talbot) ............... 6.50 "Studies for New Christians” ..................... 1.00 "Studies in Romans” (Talbot) ................... 5.50 "Studies in the Gospels” ............................. 6.50 "The Book of Acts” ..................................... 3.50 "The Book of Ephesians” (Talbot) ......... 5.50 "The Book of Revelation” (Talbot) ....... 6.50 "The Cults” (Talbot) ................................... 6.50 Evangelical Teacher Training Course: 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate ................... $17.00 6 Units (plus 6 Units
is Jean working on a prayer-letter mailing in her home on Shikoku Island, Japan. Phyllis and Heber ’43 Richins, Jos, North Nigeria, West Africa: Heber says, “ I have been asked to be the acting prin cipal of the Hausa Evening Bible School while the principal is on furlough. Phyllis is very busy with audio-visual materials for our Sunday school, et cetera. W e are all well and praising the Lord.” James ’58 SMM and Kay (Kiyoko Abe ’58) Kakamusu, Belem, Para, Brazil: “When we arrived in our village the In dians gave us a royal welcome. . . . One woman prepared a turtle for our supper. Pray for us as we begin our language study.” Joan (Barber ’50) and George ’50 Broughton, Floriano, Piaui, Brazil: “A l though facilities for the camp were very primitive again this year, we had a won derful time. . . . Numerically the camp grew by about 39 per cent for which we praise God. W e thank God for the convic tion of the one unsaved girl and for sev eral Christian young people who did busi ness with God.” Dick Hillis ’32, Palo Alto, California: “ Overseas is now working in the Philip pines, Formosa, Vietnam, Argentina, Mex ico; soon we shall begin work in Colombia and Brazil . . . The Mission is looking to God for a hundred new workers, who are needed immediately.”
Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ........... 17.00 All New Bible Geography Course featuring Baker’s Bible Atlas, Study guides closely following Biblical narrative $ 10.00
THE BIBLE INSTITUTE O F LOS ANGELES, INC. CORR ESPOND IS ! SCHOOL 558 KB3 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Enroll me in C ou rse................................................... Find fee enclosed $.................................................... Send me free brochure of all courses offered ......................................................... Name ............ ........... ................................. ....... .......... Address ............................................................................... City................................. Zone........ State...............
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Gospeljjq fit • J / RUBLI VK33
MARCH, 1963
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