King's Business - 1963-03


C l a s s i f i e d Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 BIM m and Books Old Bibles rebound. A price, binding and style to meet, every need. All types of binding, rebinding. Write for illustrated folder, prices. Norris Book­ binding Co., Greenwood, Mississippi. Scofield Bible — Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Mein Street. Hamburg, New York. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. King's Herald Free You may have challenging informative monthly reports of God's work world wide through the KING'S GARDEN MINISTRIES. Pray for the youth training and WORLD MISSIONS OUTREACH. Write todav to KING'S GARDEN, Department K, Seattle 33, Washington. Christian Homes Seattle Christian School— fundamental denomi­ nationally unrelated. Age 5V 2 through grade twelve. 6128 Maynard Avenue, South Seattle 8, Washington. PArkway 5-2171. Personalized care for the aged. Problem cases welcomed in my Christian Home. 17466 Sherman Way, Van Nuys, California. Phone 345-7506. Christian Service Opportunities to serve the Lord and train voca­ tionally for WORLD MISSIONS are offered at KING'S GARDEN — printing, nursing, mainten­ ance, teaching and radio. Contact KING'S GAR­ DEN, Department K, Seattle 33, Washington. Expanding business needs Christian management help. General Manager, Certified Public Account­ ant, Sales Manager & Shop Superintendent Fiberglass knowledge helpful. Gardening Indoors GROWING AND CARE OF THE AFRICAN VIOLET. Four page folder 25c. G. Glaser, 1645-K Arden Staten Island 12, New York. Music Correct and singable hymn music composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders free. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. MUSICAL COWBELLS, Sleighbells, Choral Concert Glasses, Chorded Clusters, Mystery Theremiir. Any range, terms. Arnold Westphal, 1401 Ohio, Michigan City, Indiana. Low Cost Radio Time for your tape recorded programs. Gospel Radio Network, 1520 East Main, Puyallup, Washington. Situations Wanted Fundamental Pastor seeking church. None too small to prayerfully consider. G. N. Nichols, Jr., 6308 Vineland Ave., North Hollywod, California. Ordained minister will entertain call to pastor church. Wife plays piano and organ. Contact Rev. C. F. Alderman, 1139 University Avenue, San Jose, California.

M U S IC Page 36 Church Press ................................37 37 Gordon E. Hooker ......................46 RAD IO B RO AD CAST S 38 Bible Institute Hour ............... 37 RECORDS 39 W ord Records ...........................21 R ET IR EM EN T CENTERS 40 Sharon Gardens .......................... 38 SCHOOLS 41 A rizona Bible Institute ........... 43 42 Biola College ............................32 43 Biola Schools of M issionary M edicine ................ 42 44 Bob Jones University ................ 48 45 M oody Bible Institute .........3, 29 46 Pillsbury College ....................... 33 47 Stony Brook School .................. 4 48 Talbot Theological Seminary „ 3 9 49 Wheaton Academy .................. 4 50 Wheaton College ....................... 47 S U N D A Y SC H O O L M A T E R IA L S 51 Gospel Light Publications ....... 2 T R A C T S and LIT ER A TU R E 52 Christian Correspondence .........35 53 J. Mostyn Davis ..........................30 54 Good News Publishers ..............22 55 M cB irnie's, Inc............................22 V A C A T IO N BIBLE SCH O O L M A T E R IA L S 56 Am erican Sunday School Union 20 57 Herald Press ...............................19 58 Scripture Press ..........................27 A s an additional service to its read­ ers, T H E K IN G 'S BUSINESS presents this complete classified listing o f ad­ vertisers. W h ile each advertiser has been screened with respect to his in ­ tegrity, financial reputation, and abil­ ity to fu lfill contractual obligations, readers are rem inded o f their per­ sonal responsibility in making pur­ chases, or entering into agreements.

AN N U IT IE S Page 1 Am erican M essianic Fellowship 34 2 Bible Institute o f L .A .................34 3 M oody Bible Institute ............. 3 AUD IO , V IS U A L AIDS 4 A & M M arkus Religious .........33 5 Am erican Sunday School Union 35 6 Biola Film s ................................... 43 7 Hansen's Church Film s ..............37 8 J-D A u d io Visual .....................38 9 Story-O-Graphs ............ |...........20 BIBLES 10 Cambridge University Press .... 8 1 1 O xford University Press ........... 20 12 Zondervan Publishing House .. 7 BOOKS 13 Biola Book Room .......................31 14 Bible M editation League ......... 6 15 Dunham Publishing Company .. 4 16 Evangelical Teaching Training Association ................ 6 17 Exposition Press ....................... 30 18 Glendale Book Room ................ 42 19 Humberd Press ..........................30 20 National W .C .T .U ........................ 6 21 Pageant Press ............................ 34 21 Zondervan Publishing House - 3 0 H ELP W A N T E D 23 Instituto Evangélico ...................34 24 C. B. M cM u lle n ....................... 34 H OM E S T U D Y COURSES 25 Biola Correspondence School ..43 36 27 Farm de V ille M otel ................ 34 M IS C E LLA N EO U S 28 Babylon Rug Cleaners ..............34 29 Little Giant M anufacturing .... 6 30 Sangamon M ills, Inc................... 6 31 Standard Specialties ...................35 M ISSIONS & O R G A N IZ A T IO N S 32 Am erican Messianic Fellowship 34 33 Ceylon and Indian General M ission ..........................37 34 Compassion ................................ 5 35 Evangelical M inisters and Churches International ........... 6 HOTELS & M O T ELS 26 Biola Hotel .......

USE THIS COUPON TODAY C arefully circle the number o f the advertiser listed on the coupon below from whom you desire additional information. N o obligation. C u t out the coupon and mail to T H E K IN G 'S BUSINESS Magazine. THE KING'S BUSINESS Magazine, 558 So. Hope St., U s Angeles 17, Calif. Please send me information from the advertisers I have carefully circled below. AD V ER T IS EM EN T S 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 2 10 18 26 34 42 50 3 11 19 27 35 43 51 4 12 20 28 36 44 52 5 13 21 29 37 45 53 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 I 7 15 23 31 39 47 55 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 Please print

Send to Prayer Turn, The King’s Business mega- 2 ine, 55S So. Hope, Los Angeles 17, California. SACRED PIANO SOLOS "Thera's a Wideness in God's Mercy" "Blessed be the Fountain" "Sofe in the Arms of Jesus" . Classicol arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Eoch 35c. ALL THREE FOR $1.00 post­ paid. Order from * GORDON E. HOOKER 13900 Biola Ave., La Mirada, Calif.

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