WORDS OF APPRECIATION Just a word of appreciation for THE KING’S BUSINESS. W e find it like a tower serving as a source of light and guidance. May the Lord prosper the work of your hands. David R. Kruse, Japan. May the Lord richly bless your min istry. I received a complimentary sub scription last year. Should you have any teachers who are seeking a place of serv ice, you may tell them that a Biola educa tion is a good recommendation. Cecil B. Barnett, Superintendent, Oakland Public Schools, Oakland, Oregon We have at least two dozen Christian magazines, newspapers and pamphlets com ing into our home including some very popular ones in the Christian field. Of all these publications, THE KING’S BUSI NESS is the most practical, spiritual read ing material we receive. We praise the Lord for your solid stand, excellent arti cles, and most refreshing editorials. We could not think of a better gift that would give more enjoyment than your good pub lication. Dr. and Mrs. J. Arnold Fair TOO MUCH PSYCHOLOGY? W e have enjoyed THE KING’S BUSI NESS very much and have sent out a number of gift subscriptions. We especially appreciate Dr. Sutherland’s articles from month to month. Would that more would see the vital issues of our day and com ment on them. But we are a bit concerned about one thing. Do you not think you may be stressing too much the subject of “ Psychia try” and related subjects? After all, only the Holy Spirit of God can do for troubled souls what men cannot do. And is there not a danger in letting men think that a psychiatrist can solve all their problems— even a Christian one? We have to do a lot of counseling and welcome any com ments on this subject. Mrs. E. Gerig, Portland, Oregon. KB AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Just a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed THE KING’S BUSINESS. M y son had the magazine sent to me as a Christmas gift. I read it from cover to cover and have found great comfort on every page. The KB ranks next to the Bible with me . . . I often pass these magazines on to friends. They appreciate getting them after I have read them. May God continue to bless and use you to print the magazine always to revive its readers. Mrs. Willie Poland, Waverly, Tennessee.
Their father, a tenant farmer, died of peritonitis in I960. A year later they were abandoned by their mother. A humble pastor took in the destitute little waifs, but his own circumstances forced him to seek refuge for them in our Love Valley Home. Now they are praying for sponsors to maintain them in one of our Christian orphanages.
HUNDREDS OF OTHER CHILDREN (including the children pictured at left) with stories just as tragic, are waiting for word that someone cares enough for them to become their sponsor. For only $10 a month (that’s about 30 cents a day) you will provide for the child’s necessities—food, shelter, clothing and education. We provide a Christian home, staffed by Bible-believing Koreans. The children will be taught the Word of God and surrounded by a whole some atmosphere. Among these children may be Korea’s future Christian leaders. The child you select will know you as sponsor. A photo and the' life story of the child will be sent to you; children who are able to write will correspond with their sponsors. If the child is not able to write, one of the staff members will do so. There’s a new and undreamed-of blessing awaiting you as an “adopted” “Mommy,” or “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Sister.” The need for sponsors is urgent. The appeal is for many who will answer a child’s prayer for someone who cares enough to care for him. Do what your compassionate heart tells you to do— n o w !
Chun In (H-5)
Chun II (H-6)
Yung Soo (H-7)
Our New Name — COMPASSION In sharing this ministry with us you show genuine COMPASSION, which is the new name of this work, known for the past 10 years as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Asso ciation. We believe our new name is more descriptive of the spirit and nature of the work.
^COMPASSION’S RESPONSIBILITY... r To care for more than 17,000 Korean orphans. To maintain 158 orphanages, supervised and staffed by Bible-believing Christians. To serve more than 21,500,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government.
Hue Myong (H-8)
□ Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number________ If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer □ Boy, □ Girl. With God’s help I will send $10 a month. Please send my child’s name, picture, ad dress and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for □ first month, □ one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ □ Please send folder, “Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans."
EVERETT SWANSON, Founder and Director Name ___________________________________ Address _________________________________ City ______________ 7.nne Utate Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. €OMPASS ION (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation—Eat 1952 Dept. K33 7774 Irving Park Road Chicago 34, III.
MARCH, 1963
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