King's Business - 1963-03

NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY by Walter M. Dunnett, M.A., B.D. One o f a series for class instruc­ tion and local teacher training A splendid introduction to Bible study. Leads to a more personal and vital relationship with Christ. Skillfully gives purpose, content, and distinctive feature o f each book. Many interesting maps and charts. Thrilling biographical sketches o f New Testament per­ sonalities. 96 pages, plastic bound $1.35. Teachers Guide also avail­ able, 38 pages, 85c. 11 other texts for leadership preparation. Write, dept. KB3

The New Religion— Secularism A t long last, there is beginning to be recognized the fact that those who disavow any faith in any o f the great religious streams o f thought that have run more or less parallel throughout most o f the history o f our land actually have a faith o f their own. It is being currently called, "Secularism.” These great religious streams o f thought which have been found in the United States almost from the beginning are Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism. It is to these there must be added this newest, namely Secularism. The secularists believe anything that they desire, but they are quite united in disavowing any faith whatsoever in God as the Supreme Being, the Creator o f the universe and, as a result' they dis­ believe all o f the objective tenets o f faith which constitute the d oc­ trines held by the above-mentioned religious bodies. The humanists o f previous generations, materialistic evolutionists, the ideological communists o f the present time and all others who believe that man is the creation o f his own imagination and that the cosmos is merely an organized product o f an utterly chaotic primordial condition, hold that there is evidently nothing above or beyond the inherent ability o f man to work out his own destiny. Heretofore this type o f thinking has been referred to as a lack o f faith; now it is being recognized as a faith all its own. The winter, 1962 edition o f Stanford Today, is devoted to religion. Accord ing to news reports, Dr. Robert M cA fee Brown, who recently came as professor o f religion from Union Theological Seminary o f New York City, states, "One need not be a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu to be religious. The Secularist likewise has his object o f faith and can live an eminently religious life. The distinterested pursuit o f truth by the scientist . . . is often a higher religious act, a greater demonstration o f what faith truly is than the most impeccably orthodox utterances o f a Presby­ terian divine.” The recognition o f secularism as a major religious force in our country today should lead theologians and politicians alike to take another hard look at some o f the more recent trends in the religious appeasement program that has characterized, for in­ stance, the recent Supreme Court decision in connection with relig­ ious matters. Why, for instance, should one secularist be allowed to

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TODAY'S DECEIVER The Bible and Science vs. Alcohol by Helen M. Allen

Consultant, Narcotic Education, National WCTU Facing the Alcohol Problem. An inspiring edu­ cational tool for use by young people and adults in churches and church schools. 60c per copy. Order NOW from: National WCTU Publishing House 1730 Chicago Ave. Dept. KB Evanston, III. E. M. C. I. All Independent, (Conservative., Pastors and Churches, are invited to Inquire about ordination and member­ ship requirements. Write to: EVANGELICAL MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. INTERNATIONAL 20S7 Lawrence Ave. Chicago 25, III.


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THE LITTLE GIANT HOTOMATIC Gas Water Heater No. 3 Will supply all the hot water needed for Baptistries, Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms. Heats 450 GPH, 20° rise in temperature, inexpensive, too. Write for free folder. Dept. KB-22 LITTLE GIANT MFG. CO. 907 7th Street Orange, Texas



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