SETX Parenting Styles

AUTHORITARIAN Authoritarian parents tend to use parental power to control their children. • Children must do what they are told or face serious consequences. • Parents are unconcerned whether kids understand the reasons behind rules. Parents do not tolerate being asked for explanations. • Parents use threats and punishments to keep their kids in line. By focusing on obedience, these parents lose their ability to influence their teen through reasoned discussion or help them develop good thinking skills. Children from authoritarian homes often behave well around their parents to avoid punishment, but have difficulty problem solving when parents are not around to consistently state what the rules are and what will happen if they break the rules. This makes children from authoritarian homes very susceptible to “outside the home” peer influences.


RESEARCH SHOWS: Compared with all teens who drink illegally, teens of authoritarian style parents tend to consume the most dangerously high levels of alcohol.

6 Authoritarian

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