Have Dreams 2020-2021 Gratitude Report

I truly felt like Have Dreams helped me

become a better manager, better listener, and more proactive problem solver by reminding me that training and development isn’t one-size-fits all.”

— Bill Reschke

Manager, Walgreens

A BUSINESS PARTNER’S GRATITUDE for Enhancing the Workplace

BILL RESCHKE worked closely with our Have Dreams Academy (HDA) workforce training participants as a Walgreens manager. For many years, Bill supported HDA participants and staff by hosting interns, assisting with the application process and getting graduates hired at his store or other Walgreens locations. Since the addition of our on-site Walgreens Training Center in 2013 and through partnerships with Store Managers like Bill Reschke, Have Dreams has been able to enrich our Have Dreams Academy workforce training program and successfully partner with other Walgreens stores in the community for internships and employment. My relationship with Have Dreams was as a local partner with them and their students. Walgreens had set up a storefront in the Have Dreams building where their students could learn some of our tasks and day-to-day operations with hands-on experience. After they received some training there, my stores would take either groups of students, along with supervisors, or individual students, who would work under my supervision in the same manner my own employees did, with Have Dreams staff checking in periodically to monitor progress. “


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