CATRIC Parenting Styles

POSITIVE/AUTHORITATIVE Positive parents focus on empowering their children to grow and learn. They: • Take an active role in teaching responsibility. • Set clear expectations about behavior, such as waiting until 21 before drinking alcohol. • Explain reasons behind their expectations and encourage their kids to talk about any concerns. • Set and enforce consequences before agreements are not met. Positive parents know that their own age, knowledge, and experience give them more power than their children. Positive parenting can be difficult. Parents gradually must relinquish control and give kids more freedom and responsibility with each passing year. Positive parents build trust and teach skills that empower teens to take increasing control of their lives. This is generally the most effective parenting style in preventing underage drinking. RESEARCH SHOWS: When teens of positive style parents do drink illegally, they tend to consume significantly less alcohol than teens of other parenting styles. Also, research shows that parents who change to a positive style have teens who reduce their drinking behavior, demonstrating that it is never too late. !

Teens do care about their parent’s opinions. A positive parenting style can empower kids to avoid underage drinking.

9 Positive/Authoritative

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