Future Land Use Map - Update to Chapel Hill 2020

C harting O ur F uture A Land Use Initiative

Land Use Categories For most areas of Town, the FLUM reflects a broad range of land uses, including residential; commercial; mixed use; industrial; and open space. These uses are depicted as a set of Land Use Categories. The Land Use Categories are adapted from the Chapel Hill 2020 Land Use Plan. Theses Land Use Categories are as follows:

used within the Town, but it is the Land Use Management Ordinance (LUMO) and the Zoning Atlas that legally establishes those permitted land uses and regulations for development. Future Land Use Map Components Guiding Statements The Guiding Statements provide broad direction for the future of Chapel Hill as a whole and provide guidance for both the revisions to the Future Land Use Map as well as the Land Use Management Ordinance Rewrite. Future Land Use Map (FLUM) The FLUM is organized into two interconnected components: 1. An overall map, the Future Land Use Map (2050), that includes Land Use Categories for most areas of Town; and, 2. Individual Focus Area Maps for designated Focus Areas with accompanying Focus Area Principles. (Please see below for more information on the Land Use Categories, Focus Areas, and Focus Area Principles.) Map Book The FLUM is supported by a series of maps that reflect some of the Town’s concerns that may influence land use decisions and regulations in the LUMO. The Town Council adopted some of these maps as components of other long range planning efforts. Others were created as part of the FLUM refinement effort to provide additional insight and guidance as land use decisions are considered and as the LUMO is rewritten. Maps included as part of the Book are as follows: ƒ Resiliency Assessments and supporting maps for Extreme Heat and Flooding ƒ Existing Habitat & Potential Connections Map ƒ Long Term Network Facilities Map (Chapel Hill Mobility & Connectivity Plan adopted 2017and amended in 2020)

Land Use Categories




ƒ Rural Residential, 1 unit/5 acres ƒ Rural Residential, 1 unit/acre ƒ Very Low Residential, 1 unit/acre ƒ Low Residential, generally 1 to 4 units/acre ƒ Medium Residential, generally 4 to 8 units/acre ƒ High Residential, generally 8 to 15+ units/acre


Mixed Use

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

ƒ ƒ ƒ

Institutional University

Village Center

Traditional University Supportive Uses

Parks/Open Space

Focus Areas The Focus Areas reflect six areas of opportunity selected based on areas identified in Chapel Hill 2020 . These areas needed more detailed recommendations and guidance in order to properly plan for the year 2050. The Focus Areas represent the portions of Chapel Hill most likely to change in the future due to the existence of vacant land; underdeveloped sites; and their locations along transportation and transit corridors. Each Focus Area is mapped separately and includes a vision for the area, a matrix of the preferred and discouraged land uses (described as Character Types) and desirable building heights, a description of the desired form of development, and a set of Focus Area Principles tailored to the unique circumstances of the area. To give additional guidance about the desired character of each Focus Area, images are provided to reflect preferred design concepts. The Focus Areas are:

North Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard South Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard

ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

North 15-501 Corridor


NC 54 Corridor

South Columbia Gateway Each Focus Area is broken down into Sub-Areas, and the primary, secondary, and discouraged Character Types for each Sub-Area are provided in a Character Types and Height matrix. The heights listed in this matrix are for guidance only and are not meant as an absolute prohibition against buildings of greater height. In particular, the Typical, Activated Street Frontage and Transitional Area Heights are contextual. Meaning that while the listed heights provide high level guidance on the height that may be appropriate in each sub-area, the surrounding built and natural environment as well as the Town’s vision for the future must be taken into consideration when designing individual buildings and sites.



Town of Chapel Hill |

| December 2020

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