Future Land Use Map - Update to Chapel Hill 2020

C harting O ur F uture A Land Use Initiative

A. Form Transitions – Varying the form of a building to provide for a change in building bulk, height, scale as well as the orientation of exterior spaces away from adjacent residential neighborhoods. This change in form could include “stepping back or down” in bulk or height in order to prevent negative impacts on adjacent neighborhoods or streets. B. Use Transitions – Designating a transitional use between uses or developments of different intensities, such as: i. Multi-family residential or townhouses, between an office or retail use and a single family neighborhood, ii. Permitting homes on the edge of an established neighborhood to be used for small-scale non- residential uses, such as small offices C. Architectural Transitions – Utilizing the architectural elements of a new or renovated development to ensure compatibility with the adjacent neighborhood in terms of building materials and architectural design elements.

6. Direct investment along key transportation corridors and promote construction of transit and multi- modal transportation options in concert with the Town’s regional transportation partners. The Town will encourage density and intensity in a mixture of uses along key transportation corridors and at established activity nodes or centers with particular emphasis at future transit stations and areas with multi-modal and alternative forms of transportation including bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The intent of this guiding statement is to concentrate the siting of higher-density housing, mid-rise office, and more intense mixed use development at targeted locations in order to achieve highly functional, walkable destinations that are not car dependent.This type of development supports a more sustainable, low-carbon lifestyle for residents. 7. Support and facilitate economic development, including the development of flexible and varied types of retail and office spaces; job creation; innovation; and entrepreneurship, through redevelopment and infill development, in order to expand and diversify the Town’s tax base to enable the Town’s fiscal resiliency. To support economic development policies, Chapel Hill will support and facilitate redevelopment and infill development, and where necessary, investigate the usage of public/private partnerships. The intent of this policy is to proactively address the fact that future economic development will need to occur, most often, on infill and/or redevelopment sites. Accordingly, this policy is intimately tied to Chapel Hill’s future economic health and the Town’s ability to accommodate employment centers. Any redevelopment or infill projects should be designed in a manner to complement surrounding properties and to efficiently utilize and capitalize on existing public infrastructure, such as roads, water, sewer, and transit and when necessary, supplement such infrastructure. 8. Provide appropriate transitions between land uses and buildings of different scales. Support the provision of appropriate transitions between sites and/or uses having significantly different types or intensities of land uses as well as built forms. The intent of this guiding statement is to provide for harmonious transitions between different types and intensities of land uses as well as built forms to help mitigate any negative impacts that a development may have on adjacent sites or uses. Providing for appropriate transitions is especially important between the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and surrounding areas. Appropriate transitions between developments and adjacent uses can be achieved by many different techniques, utilized either singly or in combination. Determining the most appropriate design approach for managing transitions between developments and/or uses will depend on the objectives for the transitional space, which will vary by location. The most appropriate transition between sites and/or uses may also depend on the topography of the affected sites, such as differences in elevations, which must be considered whenever transitions are necessary. Techniques for achieving transitions include, but are not limited to the following:

D. Landscape Transitions – Preserving and/or installing vegetative landscape material of varying width, height, plant selections, and density to provide for the appropriate level of transition between uses.

9. Preserve and maintain Chapel Hill’s appearance and create the quality of design and development the Town desires. The Town should preserve and maintain Chapel Hill’s unique appearance and create the quality of design and development the Town desires, with particular attention to the Town’s gateways and the appearance of – and views from – the public realm, including streets; parks; multi-modal paths; and plazas. The Town encourages high quality development understanding that different areas of Town will have different characters and defining characteristics. Views from the public streets and public spaces should not be defined by parking facilities, and the public-facing portions of buildings should be designed for people, not cars.

The intent of this guiding statement is to create and maintain the pleasing qualities of our community because activated, desirable, comfortable, and appealing public streets and spaces help to create vibrant civic areas where community members want to walk, shop, bike, and spend time. This guiding statement encourages high-quality development that embraces exceptional site design, architecture, and construction. This statement is concerned with the appearance of two different aspects of the community: A. Public Areas (owned, designed, and maintained by the public sector). Accordingly, this guiding statement emphasizes the design and appearance of roadways and gateways; public landscaping and streetscape design elements along roadways; public parks and greenways; and public buildings and properties, such as parks and recreation facilities, Town Hall, schools, and libraries; and,



Town of Chapel Hill |

| December 2020

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