Future Land Use Map - Update to Chapel Hill 2020

C harting O ur F uture A Land Use Initiative

Townhouses & Residences This Character Type provides a medium-intensity residential opportunity that diversifies housing options within the Town by filling a gap between large-lot single-family homes and multi-unit residential buildings. This Character type allows for sensitive infill and is appropriate within proximity to mixed-use and commercial areas, transit, and parks and open space. The Character Type includes townhomes, triplexes, duplexes, fourplexes, cottage courts, and small lot single family.

Institutional/University/Civic This Character Type includes land utilized primarily for governmental, University, and educational purposes as well as places of worship. Consequently, built forms vary by specific use and location. [Note: Some institutional uses may be appropriate within other Character Types.]

Character Type Principles:

Character Type Principles:

Downtown and Urban Frontages: ƒ Includes wide pedestrian zone,


Residential building options include townhomes, triplexes, duplexes, fourplexes, and small single-family detached lots Emphasizes connectivity to planned mixed-use, commercial areas, and parks and open space Building placement, scale, and design promote good transitions to single-family neighborhoods Avoids long, uninterrupted, and monotonous building facades to add visual interest to the street Private stoops, porches, and gardens activate the street Lighting and landscape design address security and public safety concerns. Locate living spaces in proximity to the street to provide “eyes on the street” Parking integrated within or behind buildings and accessed from rear streets or alleys For duplexes and triplexes, each unit should have a distinct and visible entrance.


appropriate bike facilities, ample street tree plantings, and coordinated site furnishings Public entrances, forecourts, and plazas create active, vibrant pedestrian zones and soften separation between the pedestrian zone and front of buildings Emphasizes transparent façades Avoids long, uninterrupted, and monotonous building facades to add visual interest to the street Provides opportunities for public art Facades should include prominent entrances No parking between buildings and streets, multi-modal paths, or other public ways




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Suburban / Business Park Locations: ƒ Provides good connectivity to transit, public streets, and greenways to help reduce commuter trips, and includes green infrastructure, where appropriate





Town of Chapel Hill |

| December 2020

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