Urban Food Services Colpac Range


Colpac is an OPRL member. Products with this label contain less than 15% plastic and are classed by OPRL as recyclable.

COMPOSTABLE WINDOW The film material used for these products is commercially compostable within 90 days (EN132432 standard). COMPOSTABLE The paperboard material in these products is commercially compostable withing 90 days (EN132432 standard).

RECYCLABLE The plastic lids/window films used for these products are recyclable. RECYCLED LID The lids for these products are made from recycled plastic material (rPET).

RECYCLABLE BOARD The board for these products is recyclable.

RECYCLED BOARD The board for these products is made from recycled material.

SUITABLE FOR MICROWAVE The product is suitable for microwave use.

SUITABLE FOR OVEN The product is suitable for oven use.

SUITABLE FOR HOT CABINET The product is suitable for use in hot cabinets for a maximum of 4hrs ≤ 85 0 C

≤ 85°

SUITABLE FOR FREEZER The product is suitable for freezer use.

SHORT SHELF-LIFE Products with a shorter shelf-life.

LONGER SHELF-LIFE Product with a longer shelf-life.

Glossary In our material descriptions we use abbreviations, this glossary explains the materials. PE - Polyethylene PET - Polyethylene Terephthalate PP - PolypropylenIe

Although Colpac makes every reasonable attempt to test its products for a range of typical applications, Colpac cannot control the specific applications for which its products are used. Therefore, it is the customer’s responsibility to test the suitability of a Colpac product for the customer’s specific application.

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