Joel & Diane Nakagaki HAWAII Living a Grateful Life
and I have been doing meetings with people in the Philippines. That’s exciting. We’re not just limited to presenting to potential customers in Hawaii, but we can do it anywhere in the world that Melaleuca is open for business. We’ve presented Melaleuca Overviews in Ireland and Australia too. So that’s been kind of cool.” And if you’ve had the opportunity to meet Diane, you know that these people around the world are now her friends. In addition to her gratitude for technology and worldwide friends, Diane is grateful to have been a Melaleuca Member and Marketing Executive for more than 17 years. “Melaleuca has been so great to us from the very beginning,” Diane says. “I’ve always received a check every month and that’s been so important to us. How can you even put a price on that? Thank you, Melaleuca! “I’m just so very, very grateful to my team, to everyone I meet, and to Melaleuca,” she says again. And Melaleuca is beyond grateful to have had Diane with us for the last 17 years, and looks forward to at least 17 more to come.
For years, scientists around the world have documented the many physical and mental health benefits of simply being grateful. And while living in Hawaii can’t hurt, new Executive Director 4 Diane Nakagaki lives in a way that allows her to enjoy all of those benefits. Diane chooses to focus on the good things in life and to be grateful for who and what she has. For example, regarding her latest advancement, Diane says, “I’m really coming at this from a very, very grateful heart. To have this team with me that’s working so hard and that I get to help support is just fantastic.” Even when Diane encounters difficulties in her business, she is grateful for what she learns as a result. These past several months, Diane has had the opportunity to be grateful for the personal growth she has experienced as a result of working more with technology. She describes herself as being not very tech savvy, but lately she’s learned a lot about how to further incorporate technology into her business. “It’s been really great,” she says. “I’ve had to get out of my comfort zone and do video calls almost every day. That’s been very good for my personal growth and has helped me mentor both new and long-standing business partners.” One of the best outcomes of her using more technology has been the people she’s been able to meet all over the world. “Obviously, with this technology you can present Melaleuca: An Overview to people all over. For example, a former coworker
“We love the products so much,” Diane says. “That’s where it all starts. When you can share that love, along with the value of the products and how effective they are, there’s no comparison to that. Helping others and sharing these products brings me so much joy.”
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