Leadership in Action - US English - 202101



Ben & Lena Friesen ALBERTA Too Good to Be True?

in love with the products and that if they didn’t work great, I simply wouldn’t continue buying them. And if that were the case, I wouldn’t be showing them those products. And I think most people know what I mean. It makes sense to them.” Lena’s deep-rooted love of Melaleuca products gives her added confidence and makes it easier to present them to new contacts— especially those who think Melaleuca may be too good to be true and are hesitant. “After a presentation and conversation,” she says, “if they are still wanting to think about it, I ask them, ‘What would hold you back? Melaleuca offers a 100% guarantee. The products are so much healthier. They work the way they say they work. And it’s not new money. So tell me, what’s holding you back?’” The concept of Melaleuca not being new money is one that helps Lena show potential new customers that there is no catch when it comes to Melaleuca. “I explain to them that I used to go to the store every week,” she says. “And I ask them how often they go—usually every week. Then I show them that at Melaleuca, you only need to shop once every month! I show them what 35 Product Points look like and how little it really is. I show them how easy it is to order and that even a single widow can do it herself, easily. And they love that.”

When most of us hear about something so wonderful that it seems too good to be true, we usually put up our guard waiting for “the catch.” That’s how Lena and Ben Friesen first approached Melaleuca, and it’s a big part of how they’ve been running their business ever since—and it’s working marvelously for them. Lena was introduced to Melaleuca through her mother, Executive Director 6 Maria Siemens. In the beginning, Lena wasn’t so sure about what she was hearing and was waiting for the catch. “I was so skeptical about trying it,” she recalls. “Everything sounded too good to be true, which it usually is. But when I tried the cleaning products, my goodness, I just couldn’t believe how effective they were.” Now, Lena uses her love of Melaleuca products, her initial skepticism, and the skepticism of her contacts to help build her business. “I’m not afraid to tell new contacts that I was skeptical because I know where a lot of people are when they first hear of great new products,” Lena says. “I tell the folks I’m presenting to to just believe in the products. I tell them that I thought the products wouldn’t do the job and were more expensive, yet I am here. I ask them, ‘If the products didn’t work and really were more expensive, do you think I would still be shopping with Melaleuca six years later? And do you believe I would be so excited to show those products to you?’ I tell them that I fell

Consistency and teamwork are very important to Lena. She says, “You need to do something with your business every day because if you stop, it’s so much harder to come back. My team and I work together every day because that helps us all be accountable.”




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