M3 PT - January 2019



When most people think of Pilates, they think of the exercise trend that was the butt of a hundred ’90s sitcom jokes. In reality, this system of stretches and workouts is a great option for people of all ages looking to stay active, tone their muscles, and improve their balance, all with minimal space and equipment requirements. One need only look at the history of Pilates to understand how this century-old discipline has helped shape exercise science today. The man for whom the Pilates system is named, Joseph Pilates, was no stranger to health challenges. Born in Germany in the late 19th century, Joseph suffered from both asthma and rickets, making any form of physical activity difficult. But rather than shy away from exercise, he enthusiastically followed his father into UNLIKELY BEGINNINGS

gymnastics, later picking up bodybuilding and martial arts. Instead of being held back by his body, Joseph made it his life’s mission to help himself and others live healthy lives. Eventually, he would begin developing his own fitness theories.

In this internment camp, the system that would eventually become Pilates was developed. Because of the constraints of captivity, Joseph had to devise exercises that didn’t rely heavily on equipment and could be performed in tight, confined spaces. To this day, Pilates remains one of the most flexible, scalable fitness methods around. The techniques first developed by Joseph Pilates are still practiced today, helping thousands of people develop their core postural muscles, gain better fitness, and improve their balance. As a result of his forward-looking techniques and steadfast spirit of personal development, Joseph Pilates remains an inspiring figure in the world of physical fitness.


Joseph became a known quantity in the fitness world, going as far as training Scotland Yard officers in self-defense after moving to England in 1912. Then the First World War broke out. Despite having worked closely with English law enforcement, Joseph’s nationality was enough to land him in an internment camp alongside fellow German citizens. As the world was consumed by the bloodiest conflict it had yet seen, the young fitness instructor did what he did best: He helped those around him get stronger and healthier.


As Chris mentions from his personal experience on this month’s cover, manual therapy can make a difference in many instances of recurring pain, from headaches to knee conditions. This form of hands-on therapy has existed in one form or another for centuries, and has been increasingly incorporated in physical therapy over more recent decades. Many people are unfamiliar with this versatile, non-invasive means of treatment. So, for those not in the know, here’s an overview: “Manual therapy” is an umbrella term referring to several techniques used by clinicians to treat musculoskeletal conditions, typically by hand. The most well known of these techniques is massage therapy , where repetitive rubbing, stripping, and kneading is used to alleviate inflammation in muscles and fascia tissues. For ailments like joint pain, a tougher solution is required. Manipulation therapy uses the rapid application of force to cavitate (or pop) joints back into working order. Between manipulation and massage, there’s mobilization therapy , which uses slow, controlled articulations to stretch soft tissues and improve joint mobility. TYPES OF MANUAL THERAPY

Taken together, these techniques address a wide range of aches and pains, from temporary injuries to chronic conditions. The list includes:

• Adhesive capsulitis • Shoulder impingement • Shoulder stiffness/limited range of motion

• Tennis elbow • Golfer’s elbow • Pinched nerves • Limited range of joint motion • Capsule tightness • Post-surgical stiffness • And much more


At M3 Physical Therapy, we are proud to offer manual therapy as one of our treatment options. As a conservative, non-invasive means of healing aches and pains, these techniques offer many advantages compared to other pain management options like opioids. Manual therapy easily complements other forms of treatment, providing relief and facilitating healing. If you’re curious if manual therapy is right for you, stop by either of our locations for a free screening!


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