12. (b) The home allowance of widow and widowers with children shall be presumptively that of unmarried missionaries plus children’s allowance with the understanding that these amounts may be supplemented if this is found necessary. (c) The home allowance begins on the date of arrival in the United States and ceases on the date of departure. (d) The home allowance shall in no case exceed the amount for the term of furlough, except as serious physical disability, certified by a competent physician, may call for a longer period, or upon express consent of the Board. (e) Children’s allowance is not interrupted by travel or furlough. (f) An amount not to exceed $25 a month for a family, toward rent will be granted to furloughed missionaries who may need such help. (g) For satisfactory reasons the furlough may be extended, but at the end of the second year except in special cases, the connection of the missionary with the Board will be terminated. VII RETIREMENT AND PENSION. Date of Retirement 1. Retirement at 65 years of age or upon the completion of forty years of service (whichever date shall arrive first) is automatic. The date of retirement of a married couple is determined by the age or length of service of the husband. By special Board action, a missionary who has become totally disabled after not less than thirty years of service, may also be granted honorable retirement. The period of service contemplated in the retiring regulation is the time during which the missionary has been related to the Board Mission on the field and may include a former first term of service in China before appointment to the Mission.
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