Register 2021

SPORT Water Polo

SENIOR WATER POLO MiC/Manager: Neil Nicholson Coach: Hamish Sullivan Team: Isaac Aitken (Captain), Jacob Clements, Sam Chittock, Brad Crestani, James Drury, Sam Falvey, Josh Ford, Guy Greening, Matty Hickman, Alex Johnston, Alex McEwan, Luke Moore, Bradley Shearer, George Pearse, Tom Thyne, George Wilson After a Covid-19-shortened season last year, the team wanted to do well and play great water polo. With several new faces from Year 9 and a lot of departing Year 13 players, it was always going to be a season to remember. The aim of the season was to place at the South Island Secondary Schools (SISS) competition. We entered the local Canterbury competition with untried combinations and relied on Isaac Aitken and Jacob Clements to steady the ship. Bradley Shearer – with his formidable swimming background – enabled us to gain crucial starts and turn over ball. Josh Ford showed

great progress throughout the season and, along with Tom Thyne, provided key defence when required. In the local competition, we lost on countback to a Burnside High School

has given a lot to College water polo, coaching junior players, upskilling players on the rules, and leading by example. Isaac was also highly commended in the Canterbury Zonta Sports Awards for his contribution to sports administration in a position of umpire, referee, coach or tutor. Thanks to our coach, Hamish Sullivan, and technical advisor Isaac Aitken for all their input throughout the year.

team, which placed us fourth. We were focused on the SISS

competition and started very well, sweeping aside St Bede’s College B, Burnside High School, Shirley Boys’ High School, Christchurch Boys’ High School B and a Mainland combined team to top our pool. We came up against a very well-coached St Andrew’s College team, losing 9–5 to place third overall in the South Island. We were grateful to our coach, New Zealand and Canterbury representative Hamish Sullivan, who upskilled the team and players for a very hectic season. Hamish is a tremendous influence on the team, and his humility – coupled with his positive nature – has rubbed off on several players. We were sorry to see the Year 13 players – Isaac Aitken, Josh Ford, Brad Crestani, Sam Falvey and Bradley Shearer – leave at the end of the season. Isaac Aitken

Neil Nicholson MiC Water Polo

JUNIOR WATER POLO MiC/Manger: Neil Nicholson Coaches: Hamish Sullivan Junior A, Lionel Randall Junior B Teams: Junior A: Callum Gard (Captain), Matthew Flint, George Wilson, Alex Johnston, Will Wakeman, Jackson Hart, Louis McKeon, Edward Elworthy, Robert Kidd, Finlay McCullough


Christ’s College Canterbury

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