Register 2021

College for the better. His bright ideas, dedication, and strong computer skills will likely allow the committee to produce many more impactful programmes to help all Christ’s College students. I am sure he will do an excellent job of further developing the academic life of the school for the better. Jeremy Kinley Head of Academic ARTS AND CULTURE When this year began, the Arts and Culture committee set out to create opportunities for College students to participate in the arts in many accessible ways to accompany the already amazing large-scale projects provided by the wonderful Drama, Music and Art departments. To start the year off we launched right into a burgeoning new initiative, a school photography competition, based around the idea of an album cover. With a playful spin, calling the competition “Win Wynne” students and teachers had the opportunity to win a large photo of our Executive Principal Garth Wynne. We saw a wide variety of submissions from a wide variety of students; especially pleasing was the uptake of students not normally participating in such events. The Corfe House Year 12 submission Loyalty took home the popular vote. By the end of Term 2, the committee’s hidden machinations began to come to fruition with the quickly approaching Arts week. To start it off we followed in last year’s footsteps with a not-so- well-hidden rip-off of an enjoyable TV show. Based on Taskmaster , Alex Brett and Sam Kelly had two teams of students blindfolded taste-testing food and attempting to guess the variety of delicacies such as cinnamon, banana or carrot. This was followed by a scramble of tape, garden hoses, and twine, as participants Hanjun Kim and Charlie Cameron were tied to chairs, and it was a race against the clock for the two teams to recover their lost participants.

The next day the annual Staff vs Student debate was held, with the staff arguing to replace the school board with students. The well- prepared team of Scott Franklin, Chris Waugh and William Braham employed a wonderful display of words showing the greatness that all students can accomplish and the inadequacies of adulthood. This was sharply countered by a self- deprecating assault upon themselves by the student debating team who managed to grab the adjudicator’s favour. The adjudicator in question was Old Boy Jamie Yee who gave the win to the student team. In a rambunctious turn of events, the gym saw itself full of students running all over the floor in a race to grab the last seat in this year’s Musical chairs. Moving to the beats of your favourite jump jam classics such as The Witch Doctor or Who Let The Dogs Out , Monty Hamilton secured the final seat. The morning after the Hall was sitting quiet, each boy turned side to side with hushed murmurs in anticipation of the spectacle that was about to ensue – the Arts week assembly. With the stalwart of school assemblies, our Head Prefect Jack Belcher, kidnapped before the eyes of students and staff, a group of imposters took a place on stage. Various impersonators filled the speaking list, one such being a Jack Belcher impersonator that had the Hall audience bent over in laughter, Freddie Sudell. Claude Tellick subverted our expectations with news of humorous projects to

be undertaken by the Round Square committee. And Jono Henderson’s Australian accent would be the headliner in his mimicry of Garth Wynne. As everyone was about to leave, the curtain rose to reveal student singer-songwriter Joey Young who had the crowd singing along with him. A talent/non-talent show followed this event with a wide variety of skills being put to the stage. Rubix cubes, saxophones, guitars, and rapping grabbed the eyes of the boys, to display what was possible. To end a hectic week there was nothing more relaxing than listening to the soothing voice of Bob Ross in one of his painting tutorials. The interhouse painting competition had groups of students from each House doing just that on Friday lunchtime where fine brush control reigned supreme under the organisation of Reis Azlan. The joyous results can


Christ’s College Canterbury

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