Valent U.S.A. East Specialty Product Guide Book

How To Use Rate

6.6–33.1 oz/A for apple and pear thinning. Use higher rates in well cross-pollinated orchards or varieties that have a history of being difficult-to-thin. Make 1 to 2 applications when the average diameter of king fruitlet is between 5–20 mm. Generally, one application is sufficient for fruit thinning. If a second application is needed to achieve additional thinning: 1. Allow 7–10 days between applications to observe the effect of the first application 2. Make the second application no later than 20 mm average fruitlet diameter Apply in a sufficient volume of water to ensure thorough coverage without runoff. In most cases, spray volumes of 100 gal/A have been shown to be adequate. Excessive volumes of water that result in runoff can cause foliar injury.




4 hours / 0 days

Other Important Information  Apply in the morning or evening when weather conditions are best for slow drying (cooler temperatures and higher humidity). Avoid application over heavy dew as excessive runoff may occur. Air temperature during application should not exceed 85°F.  For best results, apply when the weather forecast calls for either or both of the following conditions: 2–3 consecutive days of significant cloud cover; and/or 2–3 consecutive days of daytime high temperatures of at least mid-70s°F for pears or mid-80s°F for apples  Temperatures and weather conditions during application and the following 2–3 days can affect product performance. For further information, consult your Valent Agricultural Specialist (800-6-VALENT).  Direct 80% of the spray into the upper 2/3 of the tree canopy  Product performs best at water pH between 5 and 7. Do not exceed pH of 8.5.  Use of a nonionic surfactant at a final adjuvant concentration directed by the manufacturer can enhance performance  ProTone has been shown to be highly synergistic with other thinning agents. Use caution if tank mixing with any other thinning products as over-thinning may result.

Products That Work, From People Who Care ® | | 800-6-VALENT (682-5368) Always read and follow label instructions.

Products That Work, From People Who Care is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC. ProTone is a registered trademark of Valent BioSciences LLC. ©2024 Valent U.S.A. LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 2024-PRT-8002 5/24 † ProTone® SG Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Granule is NOP compliant and OMRI listed for organic production.



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