Valent U.S.A. East Specialty Product Guide Book

| European Pears |

Increase Pear Fruit Set at Bloom and Run Harvest On Your Schedule To achieve higher yields in your pear orchard, ReTain® Plant Growth Regulator Soluble Powder can be used at bloom time for increased fruit set and reduced June drop. By reducing ethylene levels of flowers, ReTain can extend the life of the ovules, thereby increasing the chance for fertilization. ReTain also gives you more flexibility and control of your pear orchard by extending your harvest window up to 7 to 10 days. ReTain can now be applied at higher rates or up to two applications per acre per season to extend the harvest management period even further.

Harvest Management Benefits:  Extends the harvest window  Provides more flexibility with labor management  Extends drop control  Maintains late-season fruit quality

Fruit Set Benefits:  Extends flower viability by reducing early senescence  Increases potential for fruit set under low bee activity  Proven technology for fruit set in other crops, such as cherries

ReTain Delays Pear Harvest to Allow for an Increase in Fruit Size


The ReTain -treated pears were harvested later and showed an increase in fruit size. The untreated pears were harvested August 18. The ReTain -treated pears were harvested August 21.







Pear variety = Bartlett Source: Valent U.S.A.


ReTain 1 pouch/A

How To Use Rate—Increase Fruit Set & Reduce June Drop

FOR INCREASING FRUIT SET/REDUCE JUNE DROP • To increase fruit set: 1 pouch/A as a single application from white bud stage to full bloom. Applications made prior to white bud stage or after full bloom will significantly reduce efficacy of treatment. Do not apply after Petal Fall. • To reduce June drop: 1 pouch/A at 10 mm fruit size • Do not apply more than 1 pouch/A


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