Valent U.S.A. East Specialty Product Guide Book

Product Use Overview

| U.S. (excluding California) |


Key Problems / Uses

Product Benefits and Use Recommendations

Excalia® Fungicide

Apple scab, cedar apple rust, powdery mildew, quince rust

Provides early-season protection from apple scab and powdery mildew to shield apples from the start. Labeled rate range: 3–4 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: Do not apply after petal fall. Long-lasting control. Easy-to-use liquid formulation. Labeled rate range: 6–12 fl oz/A. A maximum rate of 6 fl oz/A per application should be used on any soil that has a sand plus gravel content over 80% if trees are under 3 years of age. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 60 days. Refer to label for restrictions in Washington. Superior postemergence control of annual and perennial grasses. Labeled rate range: 9–16 fl oz/A for annual; 12–16 fl oz for perennial. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 14 days. Directed application on weeds; do not apply over trees. Do not apply to root stock nursery trees. Long-lasting, unique formulation for outstanding control of a broad spectrum of pests. Labeled rate range: 4.8–14.5 fl oz/A. Labeled rate range for pear psylla in dormant pears: 9.6–19.2 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 21–28 days. Asana is a restricted use pesticide. Broad spectrum control of yield-robbing pests. Apply when target pest(s) threshold populations are observed. This product must not be applied during bloom or when bees are foraging. Labeled rate range: 4–6 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 7 days. Quick knock down, broad spectrum control of insects that won’t flare mites. Labeled rate range: 10⅔–21⅓ fl oz/A. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 14 days. Danitol is a restricted use pesticide. Outstanding control of a broad spectrum of Lepidoptera pests. Scout orchards and apply when insects are hatching or small. Labeled rate range: 0.5–2 lb/A. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. Effective and long-lasting control early-season pest management. Labeled rate range: 4–5 oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 45 days. An ideal pre-harvest cleanup spray because it provides fast knock down and control with minimal field re-entry time. Labeled rate range: 2–12.6 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. Controls a broad spectrum of insects. For improved resistance management, consider rotating Pyganic with Debug® brands, a combination of neem oil and azadirachtin. For more information on Debug brands, visit Pyganic 1.4 II : 16–64 fl oz/A. Pyganic 5.0 II : 4.5–15.61 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. With two effective modes of action, Senstar provides long-lasting control of soft-bodied insects at all life stages, including eggs and crawlers. Labeled rate range: 12–18 fl oz/A. REI: 24 hours. PHI: 45 days. Environmentally friendly and effective control of Lepidopteran (worm) pests. Scout orchards and apply when insects are hatching or small. Labeled rate range: 0.5–2 lb/A. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. Long-lasting control. Translaminar activity reaches mites where they hide, under the leaf. Affects all life stages of mites, including eggs. Labeled rate range: 2–3 oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 14 days. Protects apples from sun damage by forming a thin, clear, natural wax layer that blocks damaging UV rays from harming fruit. Labeled rate: 3 gallons/A in 50 gallons per acre (single side of row treated) or 100 gallons per acre (both sides of row treated). REI: 0 hours. PHI: 0 days. Protects apples from sun damage by forming a thin, clear, natural wax layer that blocks damaging UV rays from harming fruit. Labeled rate: 2.5 gallons/A. REI: 0 hours. PHI: 0 days.

Chateau® EZ Herbicide

More than 90 tough broadleaf and annual grass weeds, including filaree, fleabane, mallow, marestail, pigweed For control of many of annual and perennial grass weeds Aphids, codling moth, leafrollers, oriental fruit moth, plant bugs, pear psylla, tufted apple bud moth and more Aphids, apple maggot, codling moth (first generation), plant bugs, plum curculio, stink bugs, scale Leafhoppers, spotted wing drosophila, stink bugs (excluding brown)

Select Max® Herbicide with Inside Technology™ Asana® XL Insecticide

Belay® Insecticide

Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray

DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable†

X Lepidoptera pests including leafrollers, oriental fruit moth and codling moth programs First generation codling moth (ovicide), pear psylla, rosy apple aphid, leafminers, leafrollers, San Jose scale Aphids, codling moth, leafhoppers, lygus, pear psylla, thrips, worms X Aphids, apple maggot, beetles, codling moth, leafhoppers, leafrollers, pear psylla, lygus, mites, stink bugs, thrips

Esteem® 35 WP Insect Growth Regulator EverGreen® Crop Protection EC 60-6 Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4 II / 5.0 II †

Senstar® Insecticide

Aphids (woolly apple aphid), lecanium scale, pear psylla, San Jose scale

XenTari® Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable†

X Lepidoptera pests including leafrollers, oriental fruit moth and codling moth programs

Zeal® Miticide 1

European red mite, McDaniel spider mite, Pacific spider mite, two-spotted spider mite

Raynox® Organic II Sunburn Protectant†

X Prevents sunburn browning, no visible residue

Raynox® Prime Sunburn Protectant

Prevents sunburn browning, no visible residue


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