Product Use Overview
Key Problems / Uses
Product Benefits and Use Recommendations
Danitol® 2.4 EC Spray
Spotted wing drosophila, aphids, armyworms, loopers, root weevils, sap beetle, spittle bug, tarnished plant bug, two-spotted spider mite Lepidoptera pests, including armyworms, cutworms, leafrollers and more
Quick knock down of a broad spectrum of insects. Labeled rate range: 10⅔–21⅓ fl oz/A, not to exceed 32 fl oz/A per season. Apply with ground equipment in adequate water for uniform coverage (a minimum of 100 gallons/A). REI: 24 hours. PHI: 2 days. Danitol is a restricted use pesticide. No impact to pollinators or beneficials with high selectivity to lepidopteran (caterpillar and worm) pests. Scout and apply when larvae are hatching or small larvae are starting to move on the foliage and/or fruit. Labeled rate range: 0.5–2 lb/A. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. Long-lasting scale control. Easy on beneficials. Labeled rate: 10 fl oz/A. Do not make more than two applications per growing season. Do not exceed 20 fl oz/A per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 2 days. For long-lasting control of protein-feeding ants. Apply in the early spring or summer at the first sign of ant activity. Labeled rate range: 1.5–2.0 lb/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 24 hours. Ideal pre-harvest, cleanup spray. Fast knock down of more than 100 different insects. Labeled rate range: 2–12.6 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. Increases the speed of control and level of control of tank mix partners. Enhances the efficacy of pyrethrins, pyrethroids and other classes of insecticides. Raises the level of control by increasing insect susceptibility to insecticides and acaricides. Labeled rate: See label for rates with appropriate insecticide. REI: 12 hours. PHI: Use insecticide mix partner PHI.
DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable †
Esteem® 0.86 EC Insect Growth Regulator
Banded wing whitefly, greenhouse whitefly, silverleaf whitefly, sweetpotato whitefly
Esteem® Ant Bait
EverGreen® Crop Protection EC 60-6
Ants, aphids, fruit flies, Japanese beetle, leafhoppers, leafrollers, stink bugs, thrips For use as a synergist in a tank mix to aid in improving the control of insects Banded wing whitefly, greenhouse whitefly, silverleaf whitefly, sweetpotato whitefly Aphids, fruit flies, Japanese beetle, leafhoppers, leafrollers, stink bugs, thrips, weevils, worms
Exponent® Insecticide Synergist
Knack® Insect Growth Regulator Pyganic® Crop Protection EC 1.4 II / 5.0 II †
Long residual; keeps populations from exploding. Soft chemistry—easy on beneficial insects. Translaminar activity; reaches pests where they feed. Labeled rate: 10 fl oz/A. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 2 days.
Apply when target pest(s) populations are observed. For improved resistance management, consider rotating Pyganic with Debug® brands, a combination of neem oil and azadirachtin. For more information on Debug brands, visit Pyganic 1.4 II : 16–64 fl oz/A. Use 32 fl oz/A for most situations, adjust rate needed for control. Pyganic 5.0 II : 4.5–15.61 fl oz/A. Use 9 fl oz/A for most situations, adjust rate as needed for control. Maximum 10 applications per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 0 days. Proven and effective lepidoptera control without harming beneficials. Treat when larvae are young (early instars) before crop is damaged. Labeled rate range: 0.5–2 lb/A. REI: 4 hours. PHI: 0 days. Long-lasting mite control with translaminar and ovicidal activity. One application per season. Zeal is a mite growth regulator that affects all mite life stages, including eggs. Labeled rate range: 2–3 oz/A per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 1 day. Long-lasting mite control with translaminar and ovicidal activity. Zeal MVP is an optimized EC liquid formulation of Etoxazole that delivers better and more comprehensive performance versus original Etoxazole WSP formulations. One application per season. Zeal MVP is a mite growth regulator that affects all mite life stages, including eggs. Labeled rate range: 23–34.6 fl oz/A per season. REI: 12 hours. PHI: 1 day.
XenTari® Biological Insecticide Dry Flowable †
Lepidoptera pests, including armyworms, cutworms*, leafrollers* and more *Except California European red mite, Pacific spider mite, two-spotted spider mite
Zeal® Miticide 1
Zeal® MVP Miticide
European red mite, Pacific spider mite, two-spotted spider mite
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