Rate (fl oz/A) Use Information
Hooded and shielded application: may be applied after cotton has reached a minimum of 6 inches in height. All nozzles must be under the hood or behind the shield to ensure no spray solution comes in contact with the cotton. Care must be taken to ensure the spray solution or drift does not come in contact with the cotton or severe crop injury can occur. Layby application: tank mixes may be made once cotton has reached a minimum of 16 inches in height. For use in Arizona, California and Hawaii only. May be applied to dry beans within 2 days after planting. For use in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon and Washington only. The top 4 inches of the bed from a horizontal and vertical perspective, where the crop will be transplanted, must be removed prior to transplanting. Irrigate treated field after application and prior to transplanting with minimum of ¼ inch of water if rainfall does not occur between application and transplanting. Use only healthy transplants. Do not use on direct seeded crops. On flat beds (tomato only), the soil must be incorporated to a depth of at least 4 inches, twice, prior to transplanting. For use in Arizona, California and Hawaii only. May be used as a preemergence fallow treatment. At 2–4 fl oz/A, Chateau EZ can be used in the fall to provide residual weed control in fallow fields (refer to the Rotational Restrictions table for rates and rotational intervals prior to planting). If weeds have emerged at the time of application, use in combination with a labeled fallow herbicide. At 1–4 fl oz/A, Chateau EZ can be used in spring in combination with labeled burndown herbicides to control emerged weeds and provide residual weed control. For use in Arizona, California and Hawaii only. Apply between 7 and 30 days prior to planting at 2–3 fl oz/A. Apply between 7 and 30 days prior to planting at 2 fl oz/A if a minimum of 25% of the soil surface is covered with the residue of the preceding crop and a minimum of ¼
Dry Beans / Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) Fallowbed use on Transplanted Pepper & Tomato Beds
Fallow Land
Field Corn
inch of rainfall has occurred between application and planting. Apply between 14 and 30 days prior to planting at 3 fl oz/A. For use in Arizona, California and Hawaii only.
May be applied, at 6 fl oz/A, to garlic prior to garlic emergence. Make application within 3 days after planting garlic.
6–12 A uniform broadcast application to the vineyard floor or as a uniform band directed at the base of the bush or vine. The preferred application timing is in the fall to maximize the potential for rainfall to activate and set the herbicide. Do not apply over the top of crop or allow spray to come in contact with the crop as a result of application or drift.
Timing to hops for sucker control: apply at 6 fl oz/A as a directed application after hops have reached a minimum of 6 feet in height for sucker control. Direct application to the lower 2 feet of the hops. Timing to hops for preemergence weed control: apply at 6 fl oz/A as a 1–1.5 foot band to each side of the hop row, to dormant hops November through February to ensure time for rain incorporation and activation. If weeds are emerged at the time of application, tank mix with a labeled burndown herbicide including paraquat or glyphosate to assist with control of emerged weeds Not labeled for use in California and New York on hops.
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