Jack Morrocco | In Good Company | September 2023


Jack Morrocco was born in Edinburgh in 1953 and educated at Madras College, St Andrews

Jack went on to study Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee, between 1970 and 1974, under Alberto Morrocco OBE, James Morrison, Peter Collins, Jack Knox, David McClure and Gordon Cameron. This was followed by a Post Graduate year of study at Duncan of Jordanstone, after which he was awarded a highly commended post diploma - the highest possible award at the time.

In 1973 he was selected to study at Hospitalfield House, Arbroath, under the renowned pop artist Sir Peter Blake CBE.

In 1975 Jack was awarded the Farquhar Reid Traveling Scholarship and chose to spend it in Paris and Florence.

Following his studies, Jack became an illustrator before going on to establish a design and marketing agency in Dundee, while continuing to paint for various galleries in Scotland and the annual RSA and RGI exhibitions.

Jack began painting full time in 1997 and since then he has exhibited extensively in selected galleries throughout Scotland and in London. His paintings hang in numerous corporate and private collections here. and abroad.

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