Advantech Embedded IoT solutions 2018

Enabling IoT Edge Intelligence with WISE-PaaS WISE-PaaS

Advantech has launched WISE-PaaS, an IoT platform, to provide complete solutions to our partners and clients, enabling them to realize their IoT business. The WISE-PaaS platform integrates Advantech’s software packages, various IoT cloud services, and security services. This offering is suitable for optimizing the utility of specific domains and includes four main software clusters: WebAccess, WISE-Paas/VideoSense, WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense, and WISE-PaaS/EnSaaS.

Machine Data Acquisition

Scalable Cloud Operation

Business Intelligence

Video Analysis

Dashboard & Visualization

Sensor Data Acquisition

Microsoft Azure

Predictive Maintenance

Edge Intelligence Servers

Cloud Services

Sensing Devices

Remote Monitoring & Edge Analytics

Industrial Data Acquisition and Visualization

Intelligent Video and Multimedia Management

Edge Intelligence and Sensor Integration

Platform for Enabling Cloud Service Providers

Multi-Tenancy Data Analytics Database IoT Hub

WISE-PaaS/EnSaaS WISE-PaaS/EnSaaS is a software platform designed to power cloud services. It provides a highly secure, multi-tenancy architecture that can be automatically expanded to create a highly robust data platform for Advantech’s domain-focused cloud services or customer cloud services. WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense WISE-PaaS/EdgeSense is an edge intelligence and sensor integration software solution that incorporates sensor data aggregation, over-the-air software-in-time updates, edge analytics, cloud applications, and secure end-to-end data protection for easily deriving real-time device-to-cloud operational intelligence. WISE-PaaS/VideoSense WISE-PaaS/VideoSense is a service platform for intelligent video analytics. It collects sensor data, performs video analytics, data visualization, and dispatches files through a central management system. It also offers several video technology modules for application in security, retail, logistics, transportation, and medicine. WebAccess is the core of Advantech's industrial IoT solutions for data acquisition, analysis, and visualization. It supports open interface APIs for secondary development and enterprise-level system integration. Using a cross-browser dashboard interface, you can easily control all on-site activities and make decisions at any time from any location from your PC, smartphone, or tablet. WebAccess


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