CaliforniaRehab_Women's Health - Incontinence & Pelvic Heal…

Causes Of Incontinence And Chronic Pelvic Pain If you have pain in your pelvis, it may not always be fully clear what’s causing it. Some common causes of pelvic floor dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain include, but are not limited to: • Pregnancy • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction • Coccydynia • Irritation of the pudendal nerve (which originates near the bottom of your spine) • Irritable bowel syndrome • Levator ani syndrome (increased tension in pelvic floormuscles) • Post-surgical complications (e.g., pain followingahysterectomy, hernia repair, cesarean section, and/or prostatectomy) Any of these conditions may lead to inadequate support of the organs contained with your pelvic cavity, increased pressure or inflammation of nerves, muscles, and other connective tissues (including your bladder), and impaired pelvic bone alignment. These symptoms can be frustrating, painful, and embarrassing, and may limit your tolerance to daily participation in desired activities, including exercise. Other symptoms frequently appear with pelvic pain, including incontinence, bloating, abdominal pressure, reluctance to strain while defecating, and pain in the low back, buttocks, and hips. You may also have decreased tolerance to a variety of activities including sitting or standing, walking, exercise, and sexual intercourse.

Staff Spotlight - Ms. Abha Pohwani, RPT

Thismonthweare focusingournewsletter onwomen’shealthandfitness.With that,we introduce you toMs. Abha Pohwani, RPT. Abha has practiced as a physical therapist for 20 years now, with her specific area of interest and expertise to be in women’s health, including pelvic floor strengthening and incontinence recovery. AbhagraduatedfromtheUniversityofPittsburghinPittsburgh, PA. Fromthere, sheworked inacutecarehospitals, rehabhospitalsandoutpatient therapyclinics inPennsylvaniaand Texasarea. She joinedtheCali Rehabteamin2004,whereshehas foundaclinic toprovide the best care for not only women’s health, but also for other physical therapy needs. When Ahba is not helping clients recover in the clinic, she is busy with her children and extended family. She volunteers and assists in several overseas and local mission organizations, which is one of her passions. Please drop in and say hello to Ahba to learn about physical therapy and how she can facilitate your full recovery.

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