The Conversion and Apostleship of St. Paul 117 a wild enthusiast might indeed imagine he saw a vision, but it would be one urging him onward to do. the thing which he had started out to accomplish. With nothing having hap- pened to change his opinions or alter the bent of his mind, it would be as impossible for him, in a moment, to have imagined the complete revolution that is recorded in the New Testa- ment as it would be for a rapid river to “carry a boat against the current of its own stream.” We might add, as well ex- pect the mighty rushing river itself, without any cause to stop in its course and rush violently backward up a steep mountain side, as to expect the whole current of Paul’s thought and feeling and imagination and purpose to be instantly re- versed without any cause. I t could not take place. And it would have been just as impossible for all those who were with him to have experienced the same delusion, for they also saw the light above the brightness of the noonday sun and they heard the voice from heaven, although they understood not the words. But suppose it were a meteor that burst upon them? How then account for the words that Paul heard speaking in the Hebrew tongue and the dialogue which fol- lowed? How account for his going to a certain spot in Damascus, in accordance with instructions here received ? How account for the knowledge that Ananias had, and that led to their interview? How account for the miracle after three days whereby Paul’s blindness was healed? And how account for the mighty works and wonders afterward wrought by Paul, all consequent on this first revelation? [Following the suggestion of, perhaps, Krenkel, a New England professor is credited with teaching that at his conversion Paul had simply an epileptic attack. But, had all the company that were with him a like attack at the same instant, for they all saw some- thing? And, moreover, no disorder of this or any other kind can account for the facts in the case. Paul’s marvelous life- work revolutionized the history of his age, and his influence is powerfully felt yet, after nearly two thousand years, all
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