wisdom or learning. In all the churches it has been set above the wisdom which cometh from above. Worldly scholarship has been put in place of the Holy Spirit, and now our chief seats of learning have become hotbeds of infidelity and materialism! “I pray God to bless and prosper your grand enterprise. You are prayed for and shall be prayed for as long as I am in the flesh, so put my name on your circle of prayer. I sincerely hope you will see your way before long to establish some sort of union or league for the enrollment of all those who are on the Lord’s side for the maintenance of the faith once delivered to the saints. (See Mai. 3:16.) Let all of us who are on the Lord’s side come out and show ourselves.” * He He He Additional extracts from correspondence will be published in future issues. In the meantime let those who receive these volumes pass on their messages to others, praying at the same time that the seed sown may bear rich fruit in the edifying of Christians and in the conversion of unbelievers.
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