Life in the Word 25 book out of existence. But the concentrated power of man utterly failed in the attempt. Why ? Here is one book among countless millions which is singled out for relentless hatred, and that fact alone is sufficient to provoke astonishment and invite the closest scrutiny to ascertain the explanation of the unique phenomenon. What characteristic is it that distinguishes this Book from all other books in so strange a fashion? Has its influence upon men been corrupting or otherwise evil? Does it teach doctrines dangerous to individuals or communities ? Does it promote disorder, vice or crime ? On the contrary, it will not be ques- tioned that its influence, wherever it has gone, has been bene- ficial beyond that of all other books combined, and that the most fruitful human lives are those which have been moulded by its teachings. One explanation alone will account for the astounding fact that such a Book should be the only one now or ever in existence to provoke active and persistent animosity among men who refuse to acknowledge it as from God; namely, that it declares man to be a fallen creature, and his whole career to be the mere outworking of his corrupt nature in the path of disobedience; and that it predicts in plain lan- guage what the end of that path will be for all who do not accept God’s method of deliverance out of it through Jesus Christ. But, violence having failed to rid man of the Bible, other means have been resorted to in the persistent effort to accom- plish that object. To this end the intellect and learning of m an have been enlisted. The Book has been assailed from every side by men of the highest intelligence, culture and scholarship. Since the art of printing has been developed there has been in progress a continuous war o f books. Many books against THE Book—m an’s books against God’s Book. Its authority has been denied, and its veracity and even its morality have been impugned, its claims upon the consciences of men have been ridiculed; but all to no purpose, except to
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