The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.5


The Fundamentals But we have now the record of about half a century since the publication of Darwin’s book; and, though the great move- ments ©f unbelief and apostasy are swiftly running their pre- dicted course, there never was a time when the absolute and divine accuracy of Scripture from beginning to end, was more firmly grasped and tenaciously held by those who know it best, and never a time since “science” began to be looked to as' an authority and instructor of men when there was less “scientific” basis for the prevalent questioning of the state- ments of the Bible. There can be, of course, no real conflict between the Bible and any true discovery of science. Such conflicts as have been supposed to exist arose from hasty and incorrect con- clusions, whose chief value in the eyes of many lay in the fact that they contradicted the Bible. As science has been com- pelled, however reluctantly, to correct her blunders, or to acknowledge that supposedly demonstrated truths were at best but unproved conjectures, the “conflicts” have died out; so that, at the present time, the assured teachings of “sci- ence” afford no weapons against the statements of the Bible. On the contrary, the. investigations of men, in fields of geol- ogy* physics, and palaeontology, have brought into view much information recorded ages ago in the Bible, information which, at the time the latter was written, was not in the knowledge of man. As has been already said, there is not a single asser- tion of the Bible that is in conflict with any demonstrated fact of science. All the investigations, of all the searchers, in all the various fields of search, have not availed to produce evi- dence sufficient in character and amount to convict Scripture of a single false statement. But it is time to bring to a close our remarks under this heading, though they might be greatly extended. We have called attention to the strange fact that, of all the millions of books that have existed, the Bible is the only one that has excited deep and persistent hatred, the only Book

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